# 15 come home, you hoe (C)

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this is probably not what u think it is hahahahahahaha

also mentions of an emotionally and slightly physically abusive relationship (its not either of them being abusive don't worry but be safe, don't read this if you'd rather not)

also lol everyone hansol dates has a name starting with s. i didn't mean to do that 


"Hey?" Seungkwan mumbled sleepily into the phone as he sat up in his bed, the hotline bling ring tone made Seungkwan shoot up almost immediately, he hadn't heard that ringtone in a while.

"Hey, It's me" and Seungkwan's thoughts were confirmed as he hears Hansol's voice on the other line,

"Hansol? Is everything ok?" Seungkwan had to ask, hansol sounded so weird, so different. That and they haven't spoken properly in two months. 

"No, can I come over to your place?" Hansol asked quickly, voice weak.

"Yeah sure, I'll make tea," Seungkwan said softly and got out of bed with a yawn,

"Thanks, Boo, see you in a bit." 

They bid their goodbyes and the line went dead, Seungkwan sighed and trudged out of his bedroom, glancing at the clock in the kitchen. 


It was midnight and Hansol was coming over, great. Seungkwan was sure that Hansol is the only person he would ever do this for.

He quickly turned on the kettle and grabbed two teacups from a cupboard, placing them on the kitchen counter before reaching for his tea infusers and different brews. He tapped at his chin briefly and thought.

Seungkwan had always loved tea, and he loved making his own blends and brews and inventing new flavours. He personally needed something to give him a boost so he settled on basic chai tea for himself and some green tea with mint for Hansol, knowing it was the younger's favourite.

He added some sugar to their cups and poured the water in before letting them sit on the coffee table in the living room.

He switched on some soft lighting and put on a record in the background. He knew Hansol hated silence. And Seungkwan had a feeling they were going to have a few minutes of silence tonight. Silences in between explanations and confessions.

Seungkwan didn't entirely know what to expect. They've been pretty distant for two whole months. Why now was Hansol reaching out? He wasn't really complaining because he's missed the younger boy but that doesn't mean he's any less skeptical.

Just as he starts to worry about Hansol's tea becoming cold he hears a knock at the door of his apartment and he quickly rushes over.

" Hey" Hansol smiles weakly as Seungkwan opens the door. Seungkwan immediately pulls Hansol inside and into a hug.

"Hey" He replies, burying his face in the crook of Hansol's neck as Hansol drops the bags in his hands and returns the hug.

"I've missed you," Hansol says softly as he rubs Seungkwan's back, something he used to do a lot.

"Me too, oh god me too," Seungkwan says back and Hansol melts. "Wait are you okay? What's wrong why are you here all of a sudden?"

Seungkwan settles into mom friend mode and starts pestering Hansol with questions about his sudden reappearance in his life.

"I'm sorry I know its probably really annoying and you-"

Seungkwan stops him quickly "It's not annoying, you're always allowed to come back to me. I just wanna make sure you're okay"

(2018 OLD) pretty u; verkwan oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now