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"you know spending time with you isn't as bad as I expected" she said

"I know I'm fun as right"

"on second thought I take that back" I watched as his smile quickly dropped into a cute pouty face, I looked up at his brown eyes, then my eyes fell down to his nose and quickly to his lips as I was examining his features and I could tell why he was a model he was breathtakingly beautiful 

"are you done staring?" I looked up instantly only to witness him dropping his chocolate milkshake all over his pants wiping that once cocky smirk into an embraced flushed face, of course I burst out laughing not being able to keep it inside of me.


"you know spending time with isn't as bad as I expected" she said 

a smirk appeared on my face as I said "I know I'm fun as right"

"on second thought I take that back" she said I quickly formed my smile into a pout as I felt my eyes move onto her lips, those lips that I wouldn't mind kissing at least once, I felt her eyes on me examining me as well, I was smirking as I saw her blushing 

"are you done staring?" I asked with a smirk on my face

her eyes shot up causing me to get startled and drop the once delicious chocolate milkshake on my pants, my once cocky smirk also dropped and I could feel my face getting flushed, as this happened I heard an angelic sound ringing through my ears her laugh it was beautiful

I got up and said be right back as I ran for the bathroom attempting to get this of my pants.

after the stain was washed off my pants, I walked back to Jennie and found her eating a cupcake, enjoying it. what a sight that I wouldn't mind seeing in my life everyday I thought as I walked back once I got there, I waited for her to finish her cupcake and said 

"shall we get going then?"


"shall we get going then?" my eyes shot up when I heard Taeyong's voice I burst out laughing once again when I remembered what happened 

"are your pants alright?"

"their fine" he quickly said making me giggle 

"well where should we go now?" I asked

"what about Han river?"

"yes omg I love that place!"

I grabbed onto his hand without realising and dragged him out of the cafe after surprisingly he offered to pay I smiled at the thought of these regular dates with taeyong what a time it would be as I was dragging him out of the cafe I suddenly realised what I was doing

I was holding his hand and he was holding mine, our hands fit so perfectly together like two puzzle pieces, I felt butterflies inside me all of a sudden as I slowly looked up at his face, as he was looking down at mine as well and then I heard camera noises. 


"shall we get going then?" her eyes shot up when she heard my voice and once again that angelic voice ran through my ears 

"are your pants alright?" she asked causing me to get flushed remembering what happened before 

"their fine" I said as I heard her giggle making me feel butterflies everywhere

"well where should we go now?" she asked

I think'd for a bit for a perfect place "what about Han river?"

"yes omg I love that place" instant happiness ran all over my body as I loved that place too 

she grabbed onto my hand and I was shocked I quickly realised that she must have done it without thinking, I offered to pay and I could see the shockness on her face making me smirk, I wonder what would happen if we hanged out like this, I wonder what it would be like taking Jennie Kim on dates regularly.

she was still holding my hand and I was without realising it holding hers back, I realised how perfectly her delicate hand fit perfectly in mine, she started looking up at me causing me too look down at her in that moment I wanted to make her mine but then all of sudden I heard camera noises behind me and I could tell Jennie heard it too. 

a/n: well wow that was horrible I thought I would try this, I wanted to try this POV change for awhile now and I felt like this would fit perfectly but I honestly don't know about this I might change it a bit later on but thank you so much for showing support and reading this book! 

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