Chapter 18

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It had been eight months since Mother Nature sacrificed herself to save us. Jack and I had found a safe cave to chill in, whilst trying to get our heads together. 

Jack was stressed, and we barely talked. I protected the cave while he went out and got food, and water. Currently, he was out. The last words he said to me where, "I have to head out to the town a few miles away because we can't live on berries forever."

Then he left. 

That was five hours ago. He still wasn't back. 

I sat up in the cave, and cried. A little more than a month ago I was home, I was a Princess, soon to be Queen. If you would have told me that I'd journey off with Jack Frost, and Mother Nature, and Santa, I would have laughed in your face. 

But, now I see this is now laughing matter. I had grown feelings for Jack, which I wasn't sure if it was just as friends, or more.

I wiped away my frozen tears, and stood up, walking out of the cave. I had to go out and look for him. What if the fearlings had gotten to him? I don't know, and I won't if I just stay here, and wait for them to get me, too. 

I couldn't go home for two reasons. Number one, I don't know where I am, I'm lost. Secondly, I couldn't leave without wondering about Jack- Or Mother Nature. 


I jerked my head up at the sound of a voice. I ran to the entrance of the cave, and looked both ways. I shadow in the distant was running my way. "ELSA!" 

I stared at the figure, as I reached out to it. But I couldn't. I couldn't move. I ran out into the falling snow, to great the figure. 

It was a girl. Not any girl, but my sister. 

"Anna?" I asked, my voice shaking. She nodded, and I wrapped in her in a hug. 


She yelled out, but I put my arm around her, and picked her up. "Anna.. I need to get you to warmth." 

"ELSA!" Her voice had turned into a more broad tone, as I touched her skin, I felt it freeze. 

"Anna!" I panicked, finally approaching the cave. She fell onto the floor,her whole body going an off-blue. 

"Elsa.." She managed to say, just before she let out an ill-fated gasp, with her head crashing into the ground. 


I looked up, and on the floor, half-expecting to see a dead Anna on the ground. But, there was no sight of her, just Jack standing over me. "El?" 

I smiled weakly, and sat up. "Jack, did you get the food?" I asked, yawning.

"Food?" He questioned, looking down at me. "What in the hell are you talking about?" 

"You- left, to go to the town to buy some food because we had to live in a cave, and it was a mess. We had been living there for eight months!"  

I raised my eyebrow, and looked around the room, just as I was going to protest. I wasn't in a cave, I was back in my old room.

"It was all just a bad dream." Jack said, in a soothing voice. 

"What are we doing back here?" I asked Jack, putting my head back against the pillow. I looked at him, and I could tell he didn't want to talk.

"I- think it's better if I leave you here, and you go back to your normal princess life." He explained, but I shook my head.

"No, Jack. Your in trouble." 

"I might be, but I don't want you to be pulled into it with me." He stated, already heading to the window.

But, I jumped out of bed, and grabbed his arm. "NO- your the only person like me, I can't afford to lose you,too." 

"Sorry, El! But I have to. I don't want to lose you, either, so I have to keep you here." Jack yelled, his voice getting sharper.

I started to cry, and blocked the window. "I''m not leaving without you!" 

"El...." He kissed my forehead, and I blushed a little. "I have to."

"No! You don;t. I can stay with you. We can defeat Pitch for once and all." I told him. 

"Just stay!" He cried out, bursting out the window. Tears sprung from my eyes, as I fel lto the floor, crying. 

He couldn't go. I won't let Pitch take away my happiness. I was back at my castle, with Anna. I should be happy. But I'm not. Maybe Jack is my home now. 

I gathered my pillows and blanket on the bed, and ran out of my room. I hurried down the halls. Just as I made a turn, Anna bumped right into me.

"Elsa!" She squealed, wrapping me in a huge hug. "We've been looking all over for you!" Her hair bounced against her neck in pure joy.

"I can't believe it's really you!" She squeaked. I  nodded.

"Look, Anna. I don't have time for this. I need to get back to Jack." I told her, pushing past her. 

"Oh no you don't." She said, grabbing the back of my shirt. "I just lost you once, and I'm not going to let that happen again." 


Hey guys- we're reaching the finale chapters zone, only about 2-4 chapters remain! Then- there'll be a sequel, depending on the way I end it. 

Thanks for reading this. :)Oh- and sorry for the looong wait for an update, I'm writing another chapter in an hour to post tomorrow, or later tonight. :) xxx

I might be a tad busy in the summer, because I'm applying for a summer job at a near amusment park, Waldameer. <3333

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