3-Stay away? Huh,maybe

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The taller officer opened the door while the other stood right beside me. As soon as we were through the door he returned to back to my other side,watching my every move like hawks.
"I'm not going to do anything stupid you know." I mumbled pushing my sunglasses further up my nose with the edges of my wrists due to the lack of movement the cuffs allowed me.

"Well,Based on your records we can't really take any chances.Its nearly as bad As Mr.Sin.The devil reincarnated." The shorter officer stated and started ushering me to walk faster towards a room which I'm presuming is my homeroom.
The tutor was stood in-front of the foot ushering remaining students into her class.
Hesitantly I pulled away from the officers sides, ready to step into the classroom. My foot was now in the classroom when I felt a harsh shove on my back and in a matter of seconds both officers pinned me to the desk at the front belonging to a petrified boy.
"Fuck off" I groaned loudly.
"Now, Miss Valentino you know you can't be doing things like that" One of the police officers said as he pulled me up to face the class remaining at my side. My glasses were still on and I was now scanning the classroom while the officers spoke to The my tutor is hushed tones.
People gazed in confusion and curiousness. I spotted Vasilisa at the back of the classroom silently chuckling at the scene that had just unfolded.
"Hello,I'm Miss Richardson.Im your tutor and this is your homeroom.Can you please introduce yourself to the classroom."
She trailed off looking into her drawers before sitting at her desk.
"Oh,and do take those sunglasses off we are inside."
My gaze was still fixed upon Vasilisa and the students noticed this casting more confusion to erupt amongst them.
I slid my glasses off and into my bag that the officers had left on the desk in-front of me. All while I was still handcuffed.
Slowly I lifted my head up to the awaiting class.
"My name is Persephone"
I looked back at the Tutor avoiding the whispers of the class.
"Ok,just pick an empty seat."
She went back to her files as I made my way to the back of the classroom to the two last empty desks that were furthest away from everyone.Almost secluded from everyone.Perfect.
By now everyone has been preoccupied with something other than me so I decided to talk to Vasilisa. She was sat a far distance from me even though she wa sin the back row.
"Vasilisa" She turned her head towards me but was cut off from saying anything by a girl who sat next to her.
"Umm,excuse me you can't speak to her like that. That's not her name.Its Lisa. You should be careful around hear or you won't last a day" She giggled glancing at my cuffed wrists.
Without averting my gaze from to  I swiftly pulled my manicured middle finger at her.
Most students were now watching this unfold and were clearly amused.
So Vasilisa and I decided to carry this conversation on later.
It was now first break. Vasilisa and I were walking to the cafeteria side by side. The officers didn't escort me to and from places at break. It's a thing in this school that freedom is given fully to the students. In the cafeterias no adults are present apart from cooks who don't have any interaction with the students.
"Persephone. Come on"
Vasilisa grabbed my cuffed wrists pushing me into the cafeteria.
A few seconds later, we were still stood next to the entrance when the principle and the two officers walked in.
Now all three were stood in front of me.
"Miss.Valentino. You're cuffed for the safety of not only yourself but others around you."
I just rolled my eyes ushering  for them to carry on. By now everyone stopped whatever they were doing and were focused on the five of us.
"You can find a way to eat.And Bill and Cory will be back to escort you later." The principle said motioning towards the officers.
In response I just nodded and plastered an obviously fake and over exaggerated smile. As soon as they left I put my wrists on top of my head and pulled them away harshly. The chains clattered to the ground and crunched as Vasilisa and I stepped over the now broken handcuffs.

 The chains clattered to the ground and crunched as Vasilisa and I stepped over the now broken handcuffs

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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