Chapter 20: Lighten Up

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Chapter 20: Lighten Up

I fidget with my hands, bored, as Dylan drives. I can't help but be a little apprehensive. I'm not the dating type. In fact, this is my first real date. Usually, I'm that girl that people go out of their way to avoid. Nonetheless, I am done trying to change myself for people who will never be worth it.

"So what do you think about it?" Dylan asks, jolting me out from my hazy, dream-like state. He's been speaking for a while now, but I purposely tuned him out. 

I swallow anxiously, peeking a glance at him to see that even though his eyes are on the road, he's still waiting for me to answer. Flamingo chips! I wasn't even listening to a word he just said. I zoned out right after the second sentence. 

"Mhm..." I shrug, putting on a pretense as I think about nothing. "It's a difficult one, Dyl."

Dylan chuckles, aware that I'm not paying attention. 

Whatever, Jay's car is better than his, so in his face. Plus, Jay's a better driver than him.

Jay this, Jay that. Aqueela, shut up! You're on a date with Jay! Ah, fudge nuggets, you're on a date with Dylan!

I slap my forehead loudly in frustration as Dylan speaks up, choosing to not take note of me mumbling to myself like a mad person. "I guess you're right, but if you were her, what would you do about it? Out of curiosity, that is."

I groan inwardly, wishing for Dylan to just drop whatever the heck it is that we're apparently discussing. 

Here goes nothing... 

"Um...I-I'd," I waver in my response before collecting myself, "just let the issue dissolve on its own before it escalates out of control." I grin and give a halfhearted shrug, "Or I'd just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Yes, but, specifically, what do you mean by that? Any suggestions?" Dylan asks, looking over the wheel to me with a raised eyebrow.

Someone's about to get a fat slap soon. I can't relate to Dylan at all. It's all by Jay's doing that I am here in the first place.

Sorry, Dylan, but you have left me with no other choice but to move onto Plan B, and to just move on in general.

"Careful, there's a squirrel in the road!" I suddenly yell. 

Dylan's green eyes dart back to the road. He swerves the car in a panic as if to miss the non-existent squirrel. 

"Oh, thank goodness," I act, feigning relief. "You just missed it."

He pulls a face in protest. "But I didn't see-"

"That's because you were looking at me before it scampered away. Look, I'm flattered and all, but I'm also aware that men can't multitask. Maybe keep your eyes on the road and cut the in-between chitchat for now," I advise. 

Dylan nods, saying no more as he focuses on the oncoming traffic, seemingly taken aback and disappointed by my blunt approach. 

I sigh in guilt. Curse my seldom niceness. However, I really do have a fear of people taking their concentration off the streets.

"So how old are you?" I ask Dyl, regretful. "How did you become the manager of the store at such a young age, presuming you're still young in age. Are you? How did you become friends with Jay?" I ramble out a series of questions despite the fact that I just made the effort to stop the talking altogether. I'm a walking contradiction.

He frowns. "I thought you just said-"

"I don't remember saying that," I cut him off abruptly.

He argues. "You literally just said-"

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