Chapter Seventeen ☆

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The metallic staircase exploded right in front of Eliza, sending shards of metal flying everywhere. The once-sturdy structures groaned and rumbled as they collapsed around her. Heart pounding, she looked down and realized they were way up high. 

Without a second thought, she kicked David off her and bolted into a run. Gripping onto a railing, she felt it give way as the stairs crumbled beneath her, causing her to plunge down with the weight of the heavy metal debris. With a fierce kick, she shattered a fragile piece of structure, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

Forcing every ounce of strength, Eliza pulled herself out of the near-trap she had narrowly escaped. She squeezed her eyes shut as the world around her became a swirling chaos of noise, a wild symphony of destruction. Her hair whipped around her face in the rush of the wind that smelled of rust.

Then, as if time slowed down, Eliza opened her eyes just as her feet made contact with the ground. She landed gracefully on one knee, her hand meeting the dirt to steady herself. A strange sensation surged through her body, and the arm she had instinctively raised stung, much like the memory of the rose that had caused burning and freezing sensations back in her room. Only this time, it was her neck that prickled with the same mix of sensations.

Barely a moment after her safe landing, the massive staircase she had taken her daring leap from collapsed in a deafening crash. Her purse clattered down beside her, a stark reminder of the reality she was facing. 

Confusion swirled within her thoughts like a tempest. How had she managed to jump from such a dizzying height and land without a scratch? It was as if an electrifying surge of adrenaline had coursed through her veins, a power she couldn't comprehend. 

Collapsing onto her side, her fingers brushed against the spot on her neck where the strange feelings still lingered. The chill that greeted her fingertips was surreal, a touch of frost in the midst of chaos As her mind started to drift, Eliza couldn't help but feel that her life had shifted in an inexplicable way, leaving her teetering on the edge of an unknown precipice.


A delightful bouquet of fresh flowers greeted Eliza's senses, carrying with it the promise of a new day. The touch of crisp linen against her skin sent a shiver of comfort down her spine. 

Blinking open her eyes, she found herself in a room awash with sunny yellow hues. Nestled snugly in a soft bed, she was cocooned by a riot of colorful blossoms. A nearby table cradled a plate of warm, freshly baked cookies that filled the air with a tantalizing aroma.

Her lips pressed together in contemplation, Eliza couldn't help but notice her purse resting casually on the nearby table. Stretching out, she snagged it and fished around inside, a sense of relief washing over her as her fingers brushed against her cherished broomstick. It was still tucked away safely, undisturbed by the chaos she had just experienced.

 A slow exhale eased her racing heart, mingling disbelief with a newfound acceptance of the extraordinary circumstances. Glancing upwards at the ceiling, she whispered to herself, "So, this is what it's like to be a witch..."

Her hand found its way to her heart, anxiety threading through her fingers as she recalled the danger she'd narrowly escaped. Clutching her purse like a lifeline, she took stock of her surroundings, unable to discern how she'd arrived here and who had extended the helping hand.

Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, Eliza let them hang down as she caught her reflection in a mirror nearby. Her gaze fixed on the intricate, silvery markings that adorned her neck. It was the second tattoo to grace her skin, a testament to her metamorphosis into a witch. But these new markings, far more pronounced than the last, caught her off guard. 

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