eleven: uh oh

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"Where are you off to?" Peter asks me with a goofy grin as he spots me in the hallway. I sling my backpack around my shoulder and shut my locker door with a sigh.

"To the library. I'm hoping that Flash will actually show up this time." I say.

"That sucks." He says. I just shrug. "If it makes you feel better, I have to meet up with Julie for tutoring."

I laugh slightly and start down the hallway, next to Peter.

"I honestly thought she was perfect. Well, I mean, she is, but...you know what I mean." I say.

"No, not really." He replies.

"Oh. Well, she's pretty, she's athletic, she's a cheerleader, she has clear skin, she's popular, the list goes on and on." I say.

"I don't understand where this is going." Peter says.

"You know what, never mind." I chuckle as Peter pushes the door to the library open. We step into the quiet room, sitting at tables directly across from each other. I give him a quick smile before I take out my binder, watching as Julie walks into the library with a pretty smile.

She sits herself down next to Peter, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. I shift my glance away from the pair and to the doors, just wanting to get this over with.

Time passes and Flash still doesn't show up. Eventually, Julie gets up and leaves, but stops right in front of the door and turns on her heel. She heads for my desk with a polite smile on her lips.

"Flash wanted me to tell you that he would be late today," she says.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I say. She nods and then leaves, leaving just Peter and I in the library. Peter gathers his things and plops down in a seat across from me.

"Wanna go to the deli once you guys are finished?" He asks.

"Can't. I'm grounded, remember?"

"Oh. Yeah. Why?" He asks.

"The whole library thing with MJ. I told you at lunch," I sigh, remembering that I can't even listen to music because my mom has my phone.

"That sucks." He says.

"She has it so lucky. Her mom doesn't even care about the whole thing." I mutter.

"I wouldn't say she's lucky," Peter says softly. I look up at him as he says it.

"I mean, her mom doesn't care, right? So, what if she gets hurt or something, and her mom doesn't care?" He continues. I bite my lip and return my gaze to my feet.

"You're right. That's true." I reply. I hear the door to the library open and look up, watching as Flash walks in with a giant smirk plastered on his face. Peter turns around and sees him, standing up quickly and grabbing his backpack.

"Hey, Parker." Flash half sneers. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"Get off his case, Flash." I snap. "Just sit."

He collapses into a chair with a giant sigh, the cocky smirk still on his lips.

"Bye, Pete." I say to Peter as he leaves.

"Bye Mads. I'll grab you a sandwich for tomorrow." He says, then leaves. I chuckle to myself and open my binder. 

"So how's your little boyfriend?" He asks.

"Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes. "Let's just get started."


"Madelyn!" I hear my mom call from the living room. I look up from my homework.

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