12. Peek-a-boo*

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Next day was Sunday. Which means it's son and mother day. Jay woke up a little late than usual that day. She walked into Louis room only to see him still peacefully sleeping. She smiled and walked down the stairs to kitchen. She started making breakfast for two of them.

Once she's finished with breakfast she walked up the stairs to Louis' room again. "Good morning, baby. Wake up, lovely" Jay said slightly shaking her son. Louis groaned and rolled around, sucking a corner of his pillow into his mouth. Jay chuckled, shaking him again.

"Wakey, wakey." She whispered again. Louis didn't budge. Jay dramatically sighed.

"Okay then, mommy would have to eat all those colorful pancakes with lots of chocolate syrup alone. Maybe I should leave to the park alone since no one is gonna be with me." Louis was awaken in a flash by that. He sat up on his bed and looked at Jay with eyes that held so much hope. Jay chuckled again.

"Ooh, I see I have a little monkey to have breakfast with and go to the park with me now. Yeah?" She smiled ruffling Louis hair. Louis nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay, darling. Let's have breakfast first then. Shall we?" Jay asked. Louis has lost interest in the conversation already. He just bent down to the floor and picked up a little piece of paper. Jay knew what was next to come. So she extended her arm to Louis. "Hand it over little one. It's something mommy wants." Louis immediately popped it into his mouth.

"Ew no babe. We don't eat dirt. Remember?" She put her fingers in his mouth and took the dirt out. However, Louis wasn't happy about what just happened. So he did what his brain told him to do. He took the bedside lamp and threw it to the ground. (Poor lamp. It has been thrown to the ground so many times than I have thrown to the ground.) Luckily it didn't break.

Jay sighed and did what she knows the best. She wrapped the fully crying boy in her arms with lots of motherly love, humming a random tune under her breath. She rocked them side to side while patting Louis' back and kissing his head.

Louis calmed down after a few minutes but he was exhausted from all the crying so Jay offered him a bath which he nodded to. That's how they found themselves in the bathroom with Louis in the bathtub with perfectly warm water. 

Soon when the bath time is over Jay walked both of them into the kitchen. Pancakes aren't warm anymore but that's okay with Jay since her baby boy is happy with colorful pancakes.


As promised, Jay brought Louis to the nearest park. Once she parked the car Louis was fumbling with his seat-belt with newfound excitement. He wanted his seat-belt off so fast but it didn't cooperate with his speed. This made him frustrated and he let out a high-pitched whine. Jay chuckled and unfastened his seat-belt for him. 

As usual she got outta her seat and left her door open till she goes to Louis' side to help him out. But while she was rounding around the car Louis climbed to the driver's seat and let himself out by the door of drivers' side. He was that excited for the park. Jay was quick to run back to the driver's side and catch Louis before he takes off to the park. Louis whined and struggled against his mommy's hold. 

Jay somehow managed to shut the door and take out the picnic basket and a blanket from the backseat while holding the struggling boy with one of her hands. 

Finally, she locked the car and went to the park with Louis. Louis tried so many more times to take off and run but Jay managed to take him to a place where they would be having their little picnic. By then Louis was frustrated and whining a lot.

"Shh love, it's okay. Help mommy lay this blanket down. After that you can go and play but not too far away. Okay baby?" Jay asked kissing Louis' forehead. To Jay's surprise Louis nodded and took the blanket from Jay's hand and laid it messily on the ground. He whined at the mess and was about to throw a tantrum.

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