Chapter 16

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*Your POV*
I wake up and my hands start to hurt a little. What the hell? I hold them up and a flashback of that night comes in my head.

"Say you're sorry for destroying me. Apologize for what you did to me!" she yelled.

"Look, I'm not Jason! I'm not Jason!" Chuck yelled, closing his eyes.

"Betty!" I said and ran towards her. I tried to take the syrup out of her hands but she pushes me back and I tripped and my hands broke my fall on the concrete.

"Betty that is enough! Stop! It's over, we did it. You did it." Veronica said.

I sigh, and go into the bathroom and slowly peel the band aids off. I look at my cuts and they look infected. Probably because I didn't treat them in any way. I literally just put a band aid on them and called it good.

I look through my cabinets and find some rubbing alcohol for cuts. I slowly put some on, but stop every now and then from it stinging.

I finally finish and hold up my hands. For some reason, my mind just tells me to count the cuts, so I do. There are three vertical ones on my left hand;and two vertical with one diagonal on my right.

I put new, clean bandaids on them and walk back out. I check the time, and it's 6:30.


The day goes by pretty fast, and I find myself sitting in a booth at Pop's, Jug next to me, with Kevin, Veronica, and Betty across from us. I'm drinking a chocolate milkshake.

"The Drive-In closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale. No, forget Riverdale, in the coffin of the American dream." Jug says. "As the godfather of, of, indie cinema, Quentin Tarantino likes to say-"

"Please, God, no more Quentin Tarantino references." Kevin interrupts. Veronica looks over at him.

"What? I'm pissed. And not just about losing my job." He looks over at me and then back at them. "The Twilight Drive-In should mean something to us. People should be trying to save it."

"In this age of Netflix and VOD, do people really want to watch a movie in a car? I mean, who even goes there?" Veronica asks.

Kevin looks over at her, "People who want to buy crack." I snicker.

"And cinephiles," Jug adds, "and car enthusiasts. Right, (N/N)?(nickname)"

I look up from the table, "Totally."

"Anyway, it's closing because the town owns it, but didn't invest in it. So when an anonymous buyer made Mayor McCoy and offer she couldn't refuse-"

"Anonymous buyer?" Veronica interrupts, "What do they have to hide? No one cares."

I'm not really talking a lot in this conversation, and so I space out and think about places in Riverdale where I could go to take pictures of...

"I do!" there's a slight pause, "Also you guys should all come to closing night. I'm thinking, American Graffiti, or is that too obvious?"

"I vote for anything starring Audrey Hepburn." Veronica says. "Or Cate Blanchett."

There's the park, where Jug and I were at a couple days ago..or the rose gardens..

"Or The Talented Mr. Ripley." Kevin says. "(Y/N), your choices?"

I look up from the table.

"Everything okay, (N/N)?" Veronica asks.

"Yeah, yeah, no, I'm just thinking." I say and lean forward, "Um, I've never been there so, I don't really have any great ideas." I chuckle. "Betty?"

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