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After outfitting the new arrivals with breathing masks, the soldiers escorted them off the ship and towards a large metal security door in the cave's wall. The air was hot, but no more so than Kas was used to on Holgar during the summer. When the door yawned open and allowed them into a short tunnel, the air became noticeably cooler. By the time they reached the second security door at the other end, the temperature was near perfect.

The second door opened to an applause. At least fifty people had fanned themselves out across a large natural cavern that looked to Kas like some kind of command centre. In the middle of the room was a ten-foot hologram of Xeo spinning dreamily above a circular dais. The whole place was warmly lit as though a fire was burning somewhere out of sight and bathing the walls in sunset colours.

Captain Mack smiled and offered nods to the audience as Sudds led them around the perimeter of the room. Kas felt more than a little uncomfortable and caught a few people casting suspicious glances at her, but they quickly looked away once she made eye contact.

They passed through a wide stone archway where they began navigating a series of corridors that curved and zig-zagged randomly around the corners, making it hard for Kas to map the place out in her mind. Every person they passed stopped at the sight of Captain Mack and saluted or joined the applause.

They came to a stop outside a large and grand wooden door.

'Make yourselves comfortable,' Sudds said. 'I'll inform the general you're here.'

Kas shot Mack a look but he had his back to her. The three soldiers said nothing more and started back the way they'd come, leaving Mack to pull open the door and step through. Kas and Worm exchanged uncertain looks and followed him in.

The cave was modest with an ornate stone table surrounded by chairs in the middle. Mack immediately went to the far side of the room where he opened a tall wooden drinks cabinet and took out a dusty bottle of blue liquid.

'Been looking forward to this for a long time,' he said. He pulled the cork out with his teeth and spat it out, then picked up a small tumbler glass and filled it half-way.

'This is more than just a few people,' Kas said. 'This is a community.'

Mack knocked back the drink in one and paused to savour the taste.

'Who's this general?'

'Don't worry, he's friendly,' Mack replied.

'A friendly general? That would be a first.'

'I want you to promise me you'll be nice to him.'

'Aren't I always?'

'Just promise me.'

'I'll be nice to him if he's nice to me.'

'Is that a promise?'

'Sure, Captain - that's a promise. How long have all those people been here?'

'It varies. Some of them, only a couple of years... others, a couple of decades.'

'What about you? How did you find it?'

'I first came here twenty-two years ago. But nobody finds it; you have to be recruited. We're all members of a very exclusive club.'

'And what does said club get up to?'

Mack poured himself another drink, this time doing so nice and slowly.

'Being quiet won't work with me, Captain.'

'It's really not for me to say.'

'Then who is? The general?'

Mack raised his drink to his lips and sipped it. Kas felt her nerves immediately sharpen and tingle.

'What is this place?'

'You already know, you just don't want to say it.'

'What is this place?'

'It's my home,' said a new voice. Kas spun to the doorway where she saw a stranger standing beside Sudds.

Except he wasn't a stranger.

The old man looked far from his former self, with long white hair to match his thin, wilted beard. His eyes, which had once been a vivid blue were now pale and milky, set within a mask of deeply lined skin which had been carved out over the course of a century. He was dressed in an elegant silver and black robe that stopped just above his slippered feet and gave him the appearance of a wise and ancient wizard, an impression aided by the short black cane he gripped tightly in his left hand for support.

Kas's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

Serez Rhaspa...

Serez Rhaspa

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