Chapter 19

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I woke up to complete silence in my own bed alone, what the fuck? 

My head is killing me, I feel like I have an emotional hangover or something. Did last night really happen? Did Xander really accuse me of cheating on him with my brother's dad? I mean, yea Harry is gorgeous and sweet and perfect but I'd never do anything while with someone else. What am I saying? Am I saying I want Harry? Do I?

Fuck I need some coffee.

I glance in the mirror to see my hair is a mess and I'm still wearing my dance clothes from last night so I toss my hair up into a messy bun and pull my clothes off before slipping on some leggings and an oversized sweater. 

As I walk into the kitchen I stop in shock seeing Ariel sitting at the table eating while Harry stands at the oven cooking. 

Cooking shirtless may I add.

He's wearing some pajama bottoms slung low on his hips, Harry's back muscles ripple as he flips a piece of bacon. Ok, where did he get those pajamas from and how can I thank them?

"He's way hotter in person."

"Shit Jerica! You scared me." I whisper not wanting Harry and Ariel to hear us or see us ogling.

"Hey I'm just enjoying the view." She says winking. "You're welcome for offering him pajamas by the way."

"Yea, I owe you one." I mutter under my breath as she chuckles.

"You were passed out, I came home after Harry had put you to bed with Ariel. I told him he could go home if he wanted to but he said that you asked him to stay, he wanted to be here when you woke up because he keeps his word." She explains and that weird fluttering feeling starts up, why does he care so much? "He said that Xander showed up and it took everything in him not to beat the living shit out of him, must of been really bad hm?"

"It was horrible Jer, I don't know if we can come back from that." I sigh and she nods.

"Just remember that he's on the lease, I don't want to lose our place because he's being a tool." She reminds me as Harry turns around to put a plate of eggs down on the table.

"Oh, good morning ladies." Harry chirps having caught us, my face flushes and I look down. "I hope you don't mind that I raided your fridge, Ariel and I are hungry men." He adds, I look up at him and he winks at me causing Jerica to nudge me.

"He totally wants you." She whispers in my ear before walking into the kitchen. "As long as it's tasty you can use whatever you like." She retorts teasingly.

Harry places the last plate down and walks towards me since I haven't moved. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He asks and I nod, Harry grabs my hand and leads me into my room before shutting the door.

I catch a glimpse of myself in my vanity and cringe. "Jesus I look like shit." I mumble and Harry walks in front of me, he gently pushes some hair behind my ear and bites his lip.

"You look beautiful as always love, you should wear your hair up more." He says softly as his fingertips trail down my neck. "Such a pretty neck." Harry says under his breath and I smile.

"Are you going to bite me or something?" I tease and Harry's eyes darken.

"Do you want me to?" He whispers, his green gaze locked on mine. 

Yes please?

I bite my lip and my eyes fall down his body. "Did they hurt?" I ask motioning to his tattoos. 

"Not badly, some more then others." He replies, my fingers itch to feel the inked skin so I give in and ask.

"Can I touch it?" I ask as I bring my hand up to his right sparrow, he nods and I gently trace the inked lines. "It's so smooth." I murmur. 

"Some aren't it depends on the artist, like this one." He says bringing my hand to some scribble on his left bicep. "My friend did this one, he pressed too hard and it left scar tissue." he explains as I can feel the ink carved into his skin. "Or this one." He whispers as he brings my hand down to the stem of his left laurel, I gasp as he presses my fingers against the soft skin right above his pant line. "I was an idiot and went swimming before it was fully healed, it got infected and took forever to heal." He goes on as my fingers brush across the scar, goosebumps spread across his smooth skin from my light touch. 

"I've always wanted to get one for Ariel, a lion." I say softly as my hand moves up and traces the large butterfly on his chest. "What are those? Are they scars?" I ask as my hand moves to a small mark next to his butterfly, Harry catches my wrist and laughs awkward.

"I erm, I was born with four nipples." Harry says, he sounds almost embarrassed.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Harry, I think they're cute." I whisper and he laughs. "So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask.

"It's going to sound really weird for me to ask and I know it's none of my business but I-"

"Spit it out Harry." I say and he sighs before grabbing my hands. 

"Don't sleep with Xander, not until I disprove the rumor going on about him." He whispers and I furrow my brows at him.

"What do you mean? Do you think he's cheating on me?" 

"I don't know, I just don't want you to get hurt ok? Can you promise me please?" Harry pleads and I sigh.

"It's none of your business but I trust you Harry, plus it's not like we're on the best of terms." I reply and Harry breathes out a sigh of relief. "On one condition though, I want the information you have on his father. His parentage has haunted him since he was a kid, if I can help him in some way I want to."

Even if it's the last thing I do for him.

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