Joining The League of Villains

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(Y/N): your name
{__}: character thoughts

A/N: This is the start of a new story dont worry though the old one will contiue. I do not own Boku No Hero Academia

(Y/N) POV:

I follow the man I've been stalking for 3 blocks into an alley way, I smile because I know my prey is trapped. He turns to see if someone is following him, and sees me. He backs up into the alley, and pulls out a knife.
"I knew someone was following me." I just look at him and start to laugh. "If thats the case, why did you go down an alley way?" He looks at me in horror as he notices my sharp teeth. He tries to find an escape, anyway to get away from what I have in store for him but it's no use. "Aww look you're frozen in fear. Just like a deer in headlights." Individually, I pop out each of my claws, then I get on all fours. I noticed he was sweating a lot, I could smell his fear, this is what I lived for. I ran at him on all fours, then pounced on him. He tried to scream, but I bit into his neck, and ripped out his jugular. There was blood everywhere, I just laughed.

I stopped because I suddenly knew someone was there, watching me. He saw I that I had killed him. "Come on out I know you're here." A man with gray hair, and a hand over his face, walked into the alley. I stayed on my guard. "Well thats new, you actually knew of my presence." "What do you want?" I looked at him with rage filled, eyes. "I want your help, and you want more prey. We can help each other." "...Go on." I started to calm down a bit at the mention of prey. "If you want to hear more meet me at this address in 2 weeks, it'll be worth your while. Also I think I have someone you'd like to meet." He handed me a piece of paper, which I folded and put into my pocket. When I looked up he jumped through a purple portal, and was gone. As soon as I was sure he was gone I made my way back to my apartment. {How did he know about my hunts!?} I walk into my door, and take off my mask. "Man who was that guy?" I got onto my computer to research animal stalking, and killing techniques.


It had been 2 weeks, and the address led me to the outside of a closed down bar. I ignored the sign, walked inside, and was shocked to see 4 people looking at me. One was a man behind the bar, he looked like his body was made of smoke. There was a man with purple skin, that looked like it had been sewn onto his body. There was also the man with gray hair that had talked to me before. But what stood out the most to me, was a girl with blonde hair that was put into 2 messy buns, and yellow eyes with slits in them. She also was wearing a school girl outfit, with an oversized sweater. She smiled at me with sharp teeth. Not as sharp as mine, but sharp enough to do some damage. She walked over to me, and started to sniff me. "Ooo you smell like blood." She licked my face, yet continued to smile "So do you." I smiled back at her with my sharp teeth, by the look on her face she was suprised. She started to blush, I saw her quickly hide her face into her giant sweater. {She's adorable.} "Well lets get down to business." The gray haired man said as he leaned against the wall. "My name is Tomura Shigaraki, welcome to The League of Villains. I never really got your name." "My real name you don't nees to worry about, but you can call me instinct. Who said I was joining yet, you told me you were going to tell me more about this organization." "We all have different reasons to be here, it just so happens that we can reach those goals if we work together." "Well he's right." Said the man with the purple skin. "Who are you?" "Just call me Dabi." Tomura started to scratch the scars on his neck. The girl with the sharp teeth grabbed onto my arm. "Please!? Please!? Please stay!? Pleeeeeaaase!?" I already knew I was going to stay, but her being here to keep me company was a bonus. "Fine I'll stay, but only if she's my partner." "We don't really do teams unless we need to, but I'll allow it. I knew you two would hit it off" Tomura said. I turned to the girl with the giant sweater "And whats your name." I smiled at her showing all of my teeth. She started to blush, but she smiled back at me. "Himiko Toga, but you can just call me Toga." She let go of my arm, and waved at me. "You're too cute. I'm glad were working together now." I started to laugh.
"W-what?" She blushed, but this time she looked embarrassed.


The others had all left so it was just me, Toga, and Tomura, who was in the back doing whatever. "Hey Toga why dont you come over to my place tonight? Y-Ya know so we can talk about techniques?" My face turned a light shade of red as the words left my mouth. She blushed. She was thrown off by the question "Y-yeah sounds good lets go." She smilled, and held onto my arm as we walked out of the bar. It wasn't that late, about 7:00. We decided to take a short cut through an alley. I smelt someone following us, but I kept walking normally. "Hey Toga, theres someone following us. Be ready for anything. Just keep walking normal." She nodded, we kept walking until he came up close behind us. "Hey you two turn around slowly! Hands in the air!" We turned around. I noticed Toga had a knife in her sleeve, so I popped my claws.  The man held a knife towards us. "Gimme everything you have." Me and Toga looked at each other with toothy grins. He saw our teeth, and looked at us in horror. Toga pulled out her knife, and stabbed him in the throat. Meanwhile I stabbed him right in the stomach with my claws. We were both covered in blood, but that didn't stop the both of us from laughing at what we just did.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this is kind of dark but so is Toga

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