Poem #30

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"As I step into my own world
I like to call it my mind
I'm already drained
Tears pooling in my eyes
Making it hard to see
All the disasters around me
I cover my mouth with my hand
So no one can hear me when I scream
I start to pull on my hair
Don't you dare say this is fair
There's so much pain
I might as well end it all with a chain
A chain wove from lies that I've been told over the years
But I'm trying to remain strong
With every ounce in me I'm really trying
But I'm loosing my mind
And if people ask me what's wrong
My reply will always be the same
If I tell you I'm fine,I'm lying
Cause I'm walking on a very thin line right now
And I'm just ready to fall off."
-Your very own broken girl💜

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