Chapter 14

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Kristen's POV

Kris wouldn't let me do anything today. "I'm so bored!!!" I complain to myself since Kris was at morning skate. There's a game tonight against the Sharks and I can't go. Might I hate being sick. Well I'm feeling a little better today but Kris wants me to take it easy. What a party pooper.

I stared blankly at the TV when I heard the garage door open and a car pull into the garage. Kris must be home. I decided to scare him. Well at least I thought it was ONLY him. I crept through the kitchen and into the mud room. I slipped into a large cabinet that we put our coats in during the winter. Mi made sure to leave the TV on so Kris wouldn't suspect a thing. I heard laughter coming closer and then the door squeak open.

I jump out of the closet and scream, "BOO!" Kris falls to the floor and Corey who was with him jumped 10 feet into the air. Ok maybe I'm exaturating a little but it was still funny. I collapse to the floor laughing. "Ha Ha very funny," Kris says getting up from the floor. "Well sorry but I've been extremely bored ALL DAY LONG!" I say. Then Brandon walks in from the garage with a bottle of Powerade in his hands. "Hey baby," he says coming over and giving me a hug. I hug him back. "Hey," I say. "You feeling any better?" he asks. I nod. "Compared to yesterday, A LOT better," I laugh. The four of us walk out of the mud room and into the kitchen where we sit at the table and talk. "You're always happy aren't you Kristen?" Corey asks when we sit down. "Not exactly," I say with tons of horrible,depressing memories flooding back. it's kind of a tough subject for me. It wasn't Corey's fault since he doesn't know my story, but it's still hard. "What do you mean?" he asks. I look at Kris. He gives me a look saying, "Tell them if you want, it's up to you." I take a deep breath. "Ok, story time."

Kris's POV

I had morning skate since we have a game against the Sharks tonight. It should be an easy game since the Sharks are in last this year. They suck.

When morning skate is over I invite Corey over and let Brandon come too so he can see Kristen. Little did I know but Kristen decided to scare the crap out of us. She burst into laughter. "You're always happy aren't you Kristen?" Corey asked her when we sat down at the kitchen table. "Oh shit!" I thought. this isn't gonna be good. Kristen's had a really tough childhood and has had some depression problems before. I watched her face fall pale. We look at each other locking eyes. "Tell them if you want, it's up to you," I told her through my eyes. She nods understanding.

That's the thing with us. We're really close and can understand each other through eye contact or anything really. I realize this happens with twins but we're 6 years apart. She's 21 and I'm 27 but we're just really close. I think it's because of her hard childhood. Mine was great, but hers, not so much.

She takes a deep breath. "Ok, story time."

I can't believe she's actually going through with this. Memories come flooding back. I feel like I'm going to start crying but I fight the tears back. It was really hard watching the baby sister, MY baby sister whom I love so much go through something like what she went through.

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