Chap 3

173 10 1

Umji's POV

I was walking to the cafe to eat... I am hungry... *pout*

I saw Jimin walking beside me...

Geezz, he startled me.

I asked him why he's here, he replied sarcastically.

Ha. Ha. Ha

I saw Yuju-eonnie, she's my cousin and she's Jimin's ex girlfriend...

She was about to walk to our direction...

And you know what? Jimin and Yuju just broke up last month...

I don't know what happened to me... All I know right now is to hide... away from Yuju-eonnie...

I pulled his wrist... I grabbed Jimin and pulled him to the nearest bush.

"Wait... I thought we're going to the caf-" I cutted him, I covered his mouth with my hands


He remained silent.

*look right*

*look left*

Okay clear...

I pulled him again... but now, to the cafe.

We sat in a table, he ordered one cappuccino and one macchiato.

~awkward silence~

"Now tell me, uhm, why are you a-acting w-weird?" He said

I lowered my head.

"Umji? Gwenchana?" He asked

I didn't answer.

"Umji..." he said concerned.

Our order came.

"Because..." I said


Shez, I can't tell him... I want to but my mouth wouldn't let me.

"Sorry I have to go to the restroom..." I excuse myself

"Ahw, okay..."

I was about to open one of the restroom's cubicle when somebody pulled my arm.

"Hey." A voice said

I looked and saw Yuju eonnie beside me... NO! I'm dead.

"Why are you here?" She asked me with tension in her eyes, I know she already saw us.


I'm scared. I'm so scared. She is perfect but she can be scary too.

"Tell me now." She said roughly and she hold my arm tightly

"It hurts--" she cutted me...

"Dorm, LATER." She said then she entered a cubicle.

I opened the door and saw Jimin waiting outside.

"Why did you take so long? Are you okay?" He asked me

"Ahh, uhm...why are you here? Outside the girls bathroom?" I asked him

"I was concerned. So I look f-for you." He blushed

"Ahw. Let's go?" I asked him and pulled him to our table.

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