Full Of Secrets End

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Jerome's POV

After Rob and I grabbed some breakfast and headed home, Camilla and Robin were transfixed with whatever was on the TV.

Jerome: "Guys?"

Camilla: "Shhh."

Tv: "And the winner is... HENRY ORDEL!"

Robin/Camilla: "Fuck off/I knew it."

Rob: "Come on baby."

Jerome: "But, I want a hug?"

I felt Rob out his arms around me slowly, gently and God it felt so good. Yeah we all have our favorites, and I'm so glad Rob's mine.

Rob: "Come on bacca let's go get ready for lunch OK? We can use my shower."

I shivered at the thought as he slowly led me upstairs. His hands having never left my waist though we only got halfway up the stairs before I felt his lips on my neck, myself letting out a rather loud squeak as his hands snaked around my body, under my shirt. His fingers touching and gliding delicately over my skin. As he dragged me into his room, lucky that our clothes fit each other... We are so lucky our fans don't know that. He closed the door behind me and his lips left my neck, possibly leaving a small hickey but I wasn't too down about it. His lips immediately met mine, his kiss fiery with passion yet subtle and slow, Rob was easily the best kisser though that may just come with experience for him.

I felt him take my shirt off, then dropped my pants so I was left in my boxers. With Rob instantly doing the same as he led me into his bathroom, turning on the shower before his hand went down the front of my underwear and his other hand sliding along my cheeks. Slipping a finger inside me as the water ran hot.

Jerome: "Fuck I love you Daddy."

Rob: "Let Daddy take over princess. Let me please you."

Lachlan's POV

As the three of us left the small chain and headed home, hopefully with everyone already back in time as we left rather late.

Preston: "I didn't even realize we had left at 11, by the time we get home, get organized and ready it will practically be time to go."

Vik: "Any chance to eat more food, though I wish I could have recorded another video for today."

Preston: "Star you record so damn much that I miss you."

Lachlan: "Hey Preston come on don't make him feel bad or no sex for a week."

I watched as he perfectly straightened himself up as Vik laughed at him. Threaten him with no sex and it's like he instantly becomes a Saint.

Vik: "Is it bad if I say I'm hungry again?"

Lachlan: "No that's good, we know you haven't been eating properly so being hungry now is a good thing, even if you can't possibly eat another meal, even trying is an improvement for your health."

Vik: "But we just ate."

Preston: "Then just get something light, like a salad or some chips. Something easy so you fill that huh Niger gap in your beautiful body, but not enough to where you are almost throwing up."

Lachlan: "He has a point, Preston has told me about the few times you have been making yourself throw up and I think we need to sit down with everyone and tell them, we won't let them act all over the top about it, like, not force you to eat of course, that's wrong but just watching what you eat. Not too much to where it hurts and you get rid of it naturally, but not too little to where you feel like you've never had enough to eat."

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