Dating Richie would include

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-You always wearing his hawaiian shirts

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-You always wearing his hawaiian shirts

-him making dirty jokes

-"What’s the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?"

-"I don't know rich, what?"

-"A hooker can wash her crack and resell it ahahahhahahahaHhHahhaHhahhahhHahah."

-"get the fuck out Richie."

-full on make outs when you guys are alone

-Pulling pranks on each other

-pulling pranks on the loser club

-you always trying to wear his glasses

-"Give me my glasses babe."


-Tackles you and tickles you if you don't give him his glasses

-you always playing with his hair, pulling it on accident sometimes.


-"becau- OWie BaBe!1!1!!!!1!"

-him always talking about how your not a virgin to the guys but you are.

-"let's just say we arent virgins anymore"

-"rICHIE I SWear to god I will hURT YOU IN SO MANY WAYS."

-"plEASE DO!"

-wInK wOnK

-you beating his ass

-hating on the 'cute Couples'

-"OH FUck they're GRoss!!!"


Thats it y'all okay ill leave ;-; buh bye!


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