Chapter 13

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    Rin's POV

"You cheating scum bag! Get back here!" I screeched as I chased after Bon.

   He looked over his shoulder at me and smirked, "It's not my fault you failed. Just admit I'm better than you."


    Yukio rubbed his temples in frustration and glared at us, "Can you guys shut up for once. It's not that big of a deal!"

   We both gasped loudly, "Not that big of a deal?!"

   "Yeah, it really doesn't matter if Rin totally got wrecked by Bon or anything," Shima snickered before running out of the room.

   "Shima you traitorous bastard, you did just as bad as me!"

   Bon raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, but at least his was all cause of bad luck. You failed cause you're stupid!"

   "So what if I wanted a lot of kids! At least I had a family! You totally ignored the family path just so you could become rich and go to the fancy retirement home!"

   "There's nothing wrong with wanting kids, except you chose not to go to college and then had nine kids! You had to stack them on top of each other cause there wasn't enough room in the van!"

    "How dare you! My kids were the best thing to ever hap-"

   "SHUT UP!" Yukio screamed. "It's just a board game! It's not actually life!"

   "It might as well be," Bon countered. "I mean, it's called The Game Of Life."

    "Yeah, and in my life, I choose to have nine kids!" I shouted.

   "For gods sake you're not having nine kids!" Bon was taking deep breathes to try and calm himself.

   "Geez man," I muttered. "Chill out, it's just a game."

    "Just a- are you- I'm about ready to-" apparently I'd gotten him to the point where he couldn't even form a full sentence.

    Izumo stood by the doorway shaking her head, "If I'd known how much drama this was going to cause, I'd never have suggested we play Life in the first place."

   "But Izumo," I whined. "I just wanted to have a big family and they were mean to me about it."

   She scoffed, "Yeah, cause you're an idiot. You couldn't even pay for their college cause you went broke after the first four kids."

   I stick out my outer lip, "You're all so mean to me! None of you are going to be invited over when I have nine kids!"

   "You're not freaking having nine kids!" Yukio practically screamed.

  "Pff, whatever."

  Okay... let me help clarify what's happening. So pretty much, Izumo suggested we play the board game, Life, which we all agreed on. I chose to skip college and go straight to all the family spaces while a certain rooster haired dumbass, *cough cough* Bon *cough cough* chose to go through college and skip all the family spaces so he could be rich and alone. What kind of idiot skips the family spaces? Anyway, I ended up with a wife and nine kids, unfortunately I went broke and ended up loosing. Thus, our argument.

   "Don't pfft me! I'm you're teacher!"

  "And my younger brother! I can pfft you whenever I want!"

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