» dumb titles

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DT: @mdrachoe

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DT: @mdrachoe

When choosing a title for your book,
be sure to make the title say true to your novel or fanfiction.

Do not call it 'Bloodstream' if it's about a girl who wouldn't hurt a fly that falls in love with a baker.

How many times have we seen a fanfiction titles 'downpour' and it ends up being about a couple with absolutely no conflict who fall in-love at first sight.

And for the love of god,
be original with your titles!

If it was not obvious enough, titles like 'werewolf' or 'always and forever'
do not attract the readers to read your story!

Titles should be creative and original enough to draw in people to read the story.

*yes, i am guilty for this but I came up with all my titles when I was 12 so...

THE DO'S AND DON'TS OF FANFICTION Where stories live. Discover now