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I had my long brown hair up and was wearing my coat. I was in my gear and ready to dock at Republic City.

"General Rey we are arriving in republic city in the hour!" Private yelled as I walked out of my cabin.

"Thank you Private." I said going to the front deck.

"Have you talked to General Iroh yet?" A solder asked.

"Yes, he told me that we should expect a resistance from the president." I said as I walked around.

After a hour we made it to Republic City. I smiled as my ship went past the Air temple. I watched as everyone walked out and I smiled when I saw a old friend of mine.



"I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I NEXT SEE YOU!!!" I yelled with a laugh.

"HOW ABOUT YOU DO A DIVE! FOR OLD TIME SAKES!!!!" She said with a wink.

"Private can you make sure the ship makes it to port for me and tell General Iroh I have a meeting I need to attend to?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course General." She said with a smile.

I smiled before running and jumping off the ship. I dove into the water and quickly firebended speeding up my swimming. I shot out of the water and landed on the ground. I stood up to only fall to the ground as Korra tackled me.

"Rey!" She yelled happily.

"Good to see you Crazy." I said with a laugh.

"So how is things at the firenation?"

"Amazing. I have learned so much from Lord Zuko." I said happily.

"Serious tell me everything." She said hugging me.

"How about you tell me about you learning how to airbend?" I asked with a smile.

"Come with me to meet my friends and then I'll tell you as you tell me about your adventures." She said dragging me behind her.

She dragged me over to the people she was with.

"Meet Tenzin, Pema, Kya, Bumi, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Ikki, Meelo, Jinura, and Rohan." She said with a smile.

"It is a honor to meet you I am General Rey.... I have heard much about you all." I said as I bowed to them.

"The honor is ours, mother speaks highly of you." Kya said with a smile.

"How is Katara doing it's been sometime since I last saw her?" I asked with a smile.

"She is well."

"Have we met before?" Bumi asked.

"I don't believe so." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"You look like a Commander I worked with." He said with a laugh.

"Are you talking about Commander Lila Beifong? If so you should know that she is my mother." I said with a small smile.

"Your Lila Beifong's daughter?" Bumi asked shocked.

"Yes I am and that reminds me Korra my mother wants you to write to her here is the letter she sent with me." I said handing it to her.

"How isn't it socked?" Bolin asked shocked.

"Don't ask questions just let it be." Korra said with a laugh.

I smiled at her and then I went inside with them and had lunch with them.

"So did you really fight against a dragon?" Meelo asked happily.

"Well yes Lord Zuko had me for training." I said with a laugh.

"So how is your mother?" Bumi asked softly.

"She is as good as a Commander can be. I believe she is over working herself but I won't say anything to her. She has more experience than me so I respect he a lot more." I explained.

"So she is still the same.... always working herself to death." He said with a smile.

"Sir General Iroh is here and he wishes to speak to well he only said General Pain in the butt." A guard said softly.

"Aww he is using my nickname." I said with a smirk.

"What did you do to make him hate you so much?" Korra asked with a laugh.

"Maybe because I beat him at being the youngest General." I said with a laugh.

"Well you are only twenty-four." She said with a laugh.

"And I was eighteen when I became Commander and then I was twenty when I became a General." I said walking out of the room.

"General Iroh what can I do for you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Why didn't you come and check with me before leaving to come meet the Avatar. You are always suppose to check with the commanding General." He said with a glare.

"With all do respect General I do not listen to you I listen to Lord Zuko and Fire Lord Izumi." I said glaring at him.

"And I will take my mother's place and soon be Fire Lord when I come of age."

"I don't see how anyone would want you as Fire Lord."

"Report back to your ship and then go straight to your quarters General." He said walking away.

"Young love." Korra said with a laugh.

"Love? Him? He is the most disrespectful person I have ever met and that says something because I have met the Earth Queen." I huffed.

"Rey he totally likes you and you totally like him." She said hugging me.

"You know if he wasn't so bossy and acted like he was all that he would be a amazing Fire Lord.... and I might learn to care for him." I said as I walked to my quarters.

I made it to my quarters and slammed the door closed. I walked over to my bed and dropped down onto it. I laid down and sighed sadly as I turned on my side and looked at the picture on my desk.

"Oh grandmother..... will I ever be as great as you?" I asked sadly.

I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take over my senses.

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