10: Nurse

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In less than five minutes, the whole campsite was packed and the students were on the move. Mr. Reaper followed them by air, in one part so he could see if the beast was lurking nearby, in another part because he would not be able to move through the trees as easily as the students. They returned to the door from which they came and Kyle marked it with the symbol of the Bridge. As the group passed through the already cramped stairwell with their massive teacher, Nixie dared to ask a question.

"Why aren't we taught a symbol to take us to the school?"

"Mr. Raz should have gone over this," Mr. Reaper droned. "We don't want any creatures following you back to the school."

"We can handle another one of those," Sean grunted as he pushed his way to the front.

Mr. Reaper growled. "Don't argue with me, boy," he warned.

Sean quietly opened the door.

The students filed out onto the Bridge first. Mr. Reaper struggled to fit through the door, but when he did, the Bridge was aware of his presence. The group walked across the Bridge, past the crowds of strange people and creatures, to the Academy's pillar. As Mr. Raz activated the gate, a young child ran up to the group.

"Do you go to the Academy?" he asked, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Kyle looked at the young one with a smile. "Yes we do," he told the young one.

The little boy started bouncing up and down with excitement. "Mama says I get to go there one day!" he chirped. "I can't wait to be big!"

"It's not as fun as you'd think," Sean assured the youth. "Doorways might not seem like much now but when you're my height, they become an unexpected hazard."

"Who are you?" the little boy inquired.

"I'm Sean Byrne," Sean told him.

"Nixie Gruber," Nixie replied.

It continued, "Mr. Reaper," "Akora Rynne," and last, "Kyle Akfernen."

The child's tiny jaw hung open, and he stopped bouncing. "Akfernen?"

The corners of Kyle's mouth perked up a bit. "I guess you've heard of me?"

The child pointed at Kyle and started calling, "Mommy, Mommy!"

A woman who looked a bit like the child turned and rushed to her son's side. "Yes, deary, what is it?"

"He's an Akfernen!"

The woman raised both hands to her mouth. "Oh my goodness!" She looked Kyle over. "Ooh he looks just like Crystal!"

"I get that a lot," Kyle replied awkwardly, feeling much like a museum exhibit.

The gates to the Academy swung open and Mr. Reaper stepped through. "Come along, if that beast had rabies we're on a tight schedule."

Kyle was relieved to be leaving. "It was nice meeting you," he called, though he did not mean it.

The little child waved his arms as fast as he could. "Bye bye! Have fun at school!"

The gate closed behind the group and the rock sealed back up in moments. It felt good to be back on the path to the Academy.

"You're quite a celebrity," Nixie teased as they walked.

"Don't even know what I'm famous for," Kyle muttered as he shook his head.

"I find that hard to believe," Akora told him, "but I'm starting to believe you."

"Why?" Kyle demanded. "What did we do that was so earth-shattering everyone knows my name?"

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