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      Bright lights shined down from the blurry ceiling. A man with a mask covering his face hovered over me. Something was strapped around my head. Voices were muffled by the ringing in my ears. A monitor beeped loudly to my left. I brought my hands up to my chest, but someone pushed them down.

      I struggled against their gripped and grunted. Their voices didn't make sense to me. It smelled like alcohol in here, but not beer or any type of adult beverage, cleansing alcohol. I touched my face, feeling the mask that covered my nose and mouth.

      "Put your hands down, Jessica" someone said softly. The man with the mask look down at me, making sure to keep my hands down at my sides. His voice sounded calm.

      I said something back to him, but I don't remember what I said. He pricked my arm with some kind of needle and injected. More people were around me. They held what seemed like surgical utensils. I tried to get my vision straight but nothing came into focus.

      "More anesthetic, hurry" someone yelled. A blurry lady in scrubs rushed to the other side of the room.

      I pulled my arms away from the man and tried to get off the bed they laid me on "Settle down kid, no need to fret" a distance, yet familiar voice soothed from behind. I knew that voice. I tried to turn my head but the man with the mask made sure that I kept my head straight. I said something else, but my mind wasn't conscious so I don't remember what came out of my mouth.

      The multi-colored gems appeared in my mind. A deserted planet with fire raining down from the skies flashed in my mind. It felt horrible. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see anymore. Then something took over, and I was out like a light.

3rd POV

      The clock ticked on the hospital room wall, it was nearing 4pm. Flowers rested comfortably in a vase by the occupied bed. Tony Stark sat with him elbows on his knees, his hands formed a triangle at his lips.

      He stared down at the tiled floor, just listening to the sound of his daughters breath as she laid asleep. The blanket covered a majority of her body, and her head was propped up with a pillow. He remembered seeing her in Siberia, she screamed at Steve just before he slammed the shield down.

      The moment haunts him. His daughters hair was shorter, her skin was tan, bags were present under her eyes. She looked different, different from the girl who disappeared two months ago. The whole room was silent until her voice broke the ice.

      "I know what it's like to lose" her voice whispered. Tony snapped his eyes up to her face. Her eyes were still closed, but her lips were open. She had just spoken out of nowhere. He titled his head to the side.

      "Jessi?" Tony asked softly, scooting closer to the bed and taking her hand "Jessi, honey can you hear me?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

      "...to feel so desperately that you're right" Jessi was speaking, her mouth was moving. But the voice that came out didn't sound like her. It was as if someone was speaking through her, and her voice was more the puppet. His eyes widened. Her blue eyes remained closed "Yet to fail all the same"

      "Jessi, wake up" Tony shook her hand, then tapped her shoulder "Come on kid, wake up" he didn't know what was happening to her. He had never heard that tone in her voice.

      "Dread it. Run from it" Just then her eyes popped open, they stared up at the ceiling in a lifeless gaze. Tony sat back, his heart pounding "Density still arrives" She said plainly. It sounded like a ghostly warning almost. She must be having a nightmare, a day dream, something along the lines of that. Tony stood up and looked down at her, running his fingers along her hairline "he's coming" she whispered, her voice quivering. The heart monitor to her left beeped loudly in the room.

The Disappearance of Jessica Stark Where stories live. Discover now