Chapter 39

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*Jughead's POV*
I walk through the halls and stop when I see (Y/N) and Archie through a window in the music room, talking. That's right, I need to talk to Betty about what she did to me last night. I continue walking and I finally find her. I go up to her. "Hey, we need to talk." I say.

"What is it?" she asks.

I sigh, "What was up with you kissing me last night? That was totally un-cool." I say.

She shrugs, "I thought that it was a friendly kiss."

"No 'friendly' kiss is ever on the lips, Betty." She looks to the side,  "Oh yeah and what's up with you not including (Y/N) as much anymore with this whole Polly investigation thing. I started talking to her about it the other day and she had no idea what I was talking about." I pause for a second, "You were, you know, kinda supposed to fill her in on that stuff? She's my girlfriend, you know."

She sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry. I just forgot." She closes her locker and starts walking.

"That's it? 'You just forgot?'"

"Pretty much." She says and walks off. I just sigh and turn the other way.

*Your POV*
I'm sitting in the music room with Archie, on the window shelf-thing. I still don't know what it's called. I'm looking on my laptop to see if Josh has posted his new album yet. Nope. Not yet. I actually, don't think that I ever told Archie have I not told him? Oh well.

"Hey sooo." I start, looking at my screen.

He looks up at me, "What?"

"You know that I love photography, right?"

"Yeah. You said that it was, 'a hobby.'" He does the quotation things with his hands.

"Yeah. So, I submitted photos to a professional photographer, named Josh Martinez."


"Yep. Except, I kind of feel bad for not telling you.."


"Because it happened a couple weeks ago.." I look to the side out the window with a fake guilty face on.

"Woooow, (Y/N)." he laughs.

"Well, don't feel too bad. I haven't told Betty either."

"Oh yeah, how are things going with you and her?"

I raise my eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well I mean," he pauses, "with the jealousy thing that was happening?" he starts tuning his guitar again.

"Oh yeah, that." I shake my head. "I trust Jug. And I know that he wouldn't-"

I'm interrupted by Cheryl opening the door. Arch and I both look over at her. "Archie." He stops tuning, "If music be the food of love, play on, play on." She shuts the door.

I raise my eyebrow (damn she does that a lot. SORRY X)  "Really, Cheryl?"

"Yes. Now, I need to talk to Archie about something, you can either stay or leave."

"I'm good." I jump down from the window and grab my bag. I start to walk out the door.

"(Y/N)." Archie says, I turn around. He mouths "help meh." I just shrug, giving him the, "you're-on-your-own" look and walk out the door, putting my earphone in.


"They put me in a wooden box as I desperately opposed." Ethel starts reading a poem for English. (okay so I just realized that they all had English together, so just pretend that you were there, too okay? Okay thanks XD)

Jug's sitting in front of me, eating a bag of chips. I tap on his shoulder. He looks over to me and I hold my hand out. He smiles, "Nope." He turns back around. I quietly laugh. He quickly turns around and puts a couple chips in my hand.

"Thanks." I say and put them in my mouth.

"Curled up in bed was just a girl." Ethel continued, "Needing Daddy's arms to hold her." Poor Ethel...I wonder if she's still scared from Chuck...I'm just glad that he's long gone.

Word Count: 659

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