chapter sixteen

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Rosé glanced across the room at Jiwoo and Jackson who were talking with each other quietly as she dressed his wounds. It made Rosé feel uncomfortable seeing her partner being so casual and friendly toward vampires, especially toward the vampire she was supposed to kill.

Mark, who was helping Rosé bandage up Bambam nudged her gently. "Its rude to stare you know. And don't make that face. If Jiwoo saw the look on your face, she'd be disappointed. They're her new friends. We have to respect that."

Rosé sighed, holding the gauze in her lap. "I know. It's just weird. In all my years, I never thought I'd be here tending to a vampire's wounds and watching Jiwoo—" she paused, glancing at Jiwoo again. She saw Jiwoo smile as she talked with Jackson and shook her head. "Watching her fall in love with one..."

Mark raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Fall in love?"

"She has that look of love in her eyes. I only ever saw her look at Jungkook like that, but that's different," Rosé said. "The way she's acting with Jackson, it's different than how she acts around you, or Yugyeom, or even Jinyoung oppa. Besides, I know when a girl has fallen in love. I am all too familiar with the feeling."

"You've been in love? With who?" Mark spoke with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Rosé gave him a look and said nothing while rolling her eyes.

Bambam snickered at the scene in front of him and glanced over at Jackson and Jiwoo. "Yeah, I never thought I'd see Jackson hyung look at human so fondly," said Bambam, gaining the attention of both Mark and Rosé. "He's always hated humans. There must be something about her that he felt drawn to. I think it's cute. The both of them falling for each other, I mean."

"Cute? Cute how?" Rosé asked.

Bambam paused for a while before speaking. "I saw the way Jackson hyung looked at her when they first met face-to-face. There was a glint in his eyes that was usually never there. And even after she almost beat him up and after she almost broke his nose, he always looked at her different than anyone." Bambam sat back comfortably on the couch when they finished bandaging his wounds. "The first time I saw that glint in his eyes was the first day we brought Jungkook here and—"

"Jungkook?" Rosé questioned.

"I shouldn't have said that..." Bambam muttered cursing under his breath.

"What about Jungkook?" Rosé asked raising her voice gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "What did you guys do to him?"

Bambam shot Jackson an apologetic look when the other vampire glared at him. He heaved out a heavy sigh before speaking. "We tried to keep him from becoming a monster," Jackson replied. "But we couldn't stop it and, well, you see how that ended up." He motioned to his own wounds and then to Bambam and Youngjae.

Yugyeom frowned. " alive?" His voice cracked as he spoke.

Jiwoo shook her head. "No, my brother is dead. He's a monster now. There is zero humanity left about him anymore."

"He somehow escaped from the basement this morning," Jaebum explained. "That's how this whole mess happened. We really tried our hardest to figure out how to prevent him from becoming a rogue vampire, but he made us stop. He knew there was no hope of stopping the transition."

"Rogue vampire..." Lisa repeated. "I remember my mom talking about them when I was young before she...was killed. What are they?"

"Rogue vampires are vampires who killed their makers. They gain immense strength but it rips away whatever humanity they have and the blood craving is intense. They begin to become like rabid animals and usually hunt in packs," Jaebum said. "They're a bit like wolves but wolves are more civilized."

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