Only a Dream

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I popped my eyes open. I was sweating a bit. I quickly sat up and looked around the room. My room.

"Ahh!!" I screamed. Mrs. Jeon opened the door.

"Is there something wrong??" She said. "Bad dream?"

I nodded. Tears were forming in my eyes. "Mrs. Jeon... I'm scared."

She sat down next to me and put an arm around me. "Is it about Jungkook?" I shook my head.

"Well, sort of. But more about.." Should I say it? Would her opinion on Jimin change?

"Tell me anything, sweetheart." I hesitated for a moment, but finally spat it out. "My dream was about Jimin."

Mrs. Jeon squirmed around. She suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"In that dream, he confessed to me."

She nodded. "How do you feel about Jimin?"

I was silent, but only for a moment.

"I don't know how I feel about him.. I don't like him, but I don't want him to stay a friend. Nor a best friend.. I want him to be something worth more to me. But whenever I think of him, his face changes to Jungkook's face."

All Mrs. Jeon did was nod. "Jungkook loves you, Linnie. If you have Jimin in your heart, what would you think will happen to Jungkook?"

I thought about it. He would go crazy. Like that one time he lost his skateboard that he had for years.

I read my book, Dead and Gone. It was my favorite book back in California.

Then I heard a scream. "LINNIE!!" Jungkook yelled.

I ran into the garage, where he was in. He was pacing back and forth. "WHERE IS MY BOARD?!"

My eyes were huge. "I haven't seen it."

He grunted and punched the wall, which made a big hole.

"YAH!!" I shouted and pulled Jungkook away. He yanked his hand out and revealed blood.

I sighed and grabbed a wet towel from the kitchen. I ran back where Jungkook was and cleaned his hand.

I wrapped the band-aids around it and kissed his lips

I opened my eyes and saw him crying.

"I know it's important to you. I'll help you find it; and we will find it. Hm?"

He nodded and hugged me. "Thank you."

"I'm not telling you to leave Jimin, though. That is your decision." Mrs. Jeon spoke up again.

"Even if you do, I'll still be at your side." I hugged her.

"Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking. I like Jungkook." She nodded.

But I pulled back with tears. "What if he doesn't remember me?"

She shook her head.

"I'm not sure about that, but I know he'll realize you're the one." I smiled.

"I hope so."

Brainwashed | A Jungkook, from BTS, FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now