Part Two

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I escorted Silver to our first class, our teacher was this old guy with a huge beard and long black hair. Silver joked and whispered in my ear that he looked a hundred years old.

"Hehe, I know what you mean. Come on, you can sit next to me." I replied, pointing at two adjacent desks. When we got to the desks, we couldn't decide which one to sit at.

"Um, you gonna make up your mind or what?" Silver inquired.

"Erm, no because um, because it's ladies first!" I quickly came up with that excuse, Silver rolled her eyes and took the desk next to the window. I gasped when she removed her coat and hung it behind her chair, revealing a fluffy blue dress she wore underneath it. Wow she sure is hot... "Um, why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped out of my trance and slipped on the wooden floor trying to sit on my chair. Everyone turned around and laughed, the teacher sighed and cleared his throat.

"Okay class, please settle down now. Young man, please take a seat," I suddenly realised he was addressing me. I got up, dusted my jacket, then actually sat down. I then blushed, knowing that I have just embarrassed myself in front of Silver; I really don't want to make a bad first impression and I'm so close to falling in love with her. I blushed redder when I noticed Silver giggling at me. "Thank you, good morning class..."

Recess/Break time

I was sitting on a table with Jesse and Lukas, we were just sitting there, watching Jessica, Petra, and Silver who were huddled up, supposedly gossiping about us boys. What I didn't notice was that I was just sitting there, gazing at Silver, looking all awestruck and amazed, like I was possessed by her striking beauty. Lukas was first to notice this.

"Hey Winslow? Still think she's hot? Eh? Eh?" Lukas teased me, repeatedly nudging my shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows. Jesse noticed this, and joined in by nudging my other shoulder.

"Methinks thou hast struck by the arrow of the mighty Cupid!" jeered Jesse, making me blush. "Thine eyes shine with the desire for love!"

"Shut up Jesse," I scoffed, slapping him for trying to sound like Benvolio or Mercutio at the Capulet Ball. "Yes Lukas I think she's hot, but I most certainly do not love her! We just met!"

"Mate, we clearly saw her kiss you on the cheek!" Lukas protested.

"She said it was her friendship kiss! It wasn't like some romantic thing okay?"

"Absolute BS," snapped Jesse, clearing a pile of snow on the table, "I don't believe that for one second. She kissed you because she likes you, she's already developing feelings for you man, don't shun her away, girls hate that."

"Not to mention, we saw you kiss her! You two are totally into each other!" added Lukas. "Come on man! She's literally waiting for you to go get her!" I blushed even harder when I remembered that I indeed did kiss her.

Promise you won't tell anyone, but I took the opportunity to kiss her because I er ugh- okay fine I'm in love with her okay but don't tell anyone okay? We're still just friends and we've just met!

"Uhh, you know we can hear you, right?" sighed Lukas.

"Agh!" I was thrown into a panic. "What did you hear?"

"Um, not much. Only that you told someone to not tell anyone else about this thing. And that you and some other guy are just friends. ~Pretty sure you were talking about Silver just then." Lukas chuckled.

"Ooh, you're totally in love with her aren't you? ~Aren't you??????"

"You should go get her, before some other guy takes her away from you. Girls like her are sure to attract many guys," warned Jesse.

Love At First Sight: A MCSM Short Story (DaphneBoyden x Winslow)Where stories live. Discover now