Chapter Twenty Three

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AN: this chapter is a little longer than I was expecting, but oh well I hope you enjoy :) x


It was thursday night, approximately 10:00 by the time I was getting ready for bed. I know, it's pretty early, but I was pretty tired for some reason. The week was boring, cosisting of the same old things: getting up, going to school, coming back, and going to bed that night. Of course Ashton was tied into this routine on most of the days this week, and I was grateful for that. Everything that happened last weekend was forgotten, I think. Ashton hasn't mentioned it, I haven't mentioned it, and no one in our group has said a word about it. I don't even know if they know what happened...except maybe Natalie...but I didn't even give her the whole story. I still felt bad, and I really didn't mean to to rude to Ashton, as he thankfully knows now.

As for everyone involved in the car crash I was fortunate to be dragged away from, they're all fine. Leila showed up on Tuesday with a cast over her arm, and the only time I was able to talk to her about it was when I was walking to 5th period. That time, and sometimes in the morning are basically the only times I was able to speak to her this whole week. Come to think of it, that's the only time I've ever been able to talk to her. Which kind of sucks, what with boyfriend and my small group of friends hating her guts. I don't even know why, though. She's really fucking nice...did she just suddenly change the way she acts when I moved here? Was she some evil devil that haunted them all? Ashton used to be friends with her...and fuck who knows what they've done together? Not that it doesn't bother me or anything, because it doesn't anymore. I used to think it would be awkward to befriend someone who my boyfriend used to hook up with day in and day out, but it's really not. Maybe because unlike how Ashotn describes her, she's nice to me. And, she has a lot of "connections" as I assume. Which is good for me, in my opinion.

I wonder why Ashton hates her so much, and I wonder why he hates a lot of people so much. I get it, people say things and rumors go around and false assumptions are made. But hasn't all that ended by now? Leila's friend...I think his name was Zach? One of them. He said something about how he's not scared of Ashton anymore, but why is that?

"I don't know," I sighed to myself, hopping into bed and shutting the lights off. I layed there, wondering what I'm going to do tomorrow. It's friday, which is great, but after last week I don't know if I should go out or not. Maybe I'll just stay in with...

My thoughts were ironically interrupted by my phone vibrating with a text from Ashton. I smiled to myself, reaching over to grab it and slide to unlock it.

"You and me tomorrow night? I bought more cup noodles >:)" it said. I let out a laugh, pulling the covers over my body.

"You and me." I replied, before plugging my phone in and shutting my eyes for sleep.


It was like bolt of lighting pulsing through me; snapping me out of sleep and pulling me back to reality. With one breathless gasp my eyes shot open, I sat straight up, only to lean over at the sudden rush of dizziness in my head. I felt my spine tingling, my forehead dotted with droplets of sweat, and a whole heck of a lot of confusion. What the hell just happened?

Opening my eyes again, I thought it was morning. I would have assumed it would be, since I have been getting fine sleep this entire week...but as I looked around my bedroom, everything was completely dark. Even outside it was pitch black, indicating that it was still the middle of the night. I whipped my head from side to side, searching for any source of light there could be. But I saw none, except for my alarm clock that was dimly lit beside my bed. I looked over to it. 2:30 am.

"Shit." I muttered in anger and frustration, settling back down and covering my eyes with my hands. I slid my hands over to my temples, rubbing it in hopes of calming down the weird sensation of pan in my head. I shut my eyes and grumbled to myself, cursing and sighing. I tried to remember what had woken me up and what kind of dream it was this time, but I had absolutely no idea. Was it like last time? Was it filled with terrifying things and a shadowing darkness that scared the living shit out of me? Did it make absolutely no sense, yet it was able to worry and scare me right out of my peaceful slumber? Or was it the kind of nightmare I get when I think about a lot of things that have managed to be the cause of why I seem to look at this world differently? I don't remember, except that I can remember that it was dark...and I saw monsters and blackness and dulley-lit skies. It's weird; people dream about the randomest and maybe even the most comical I do a lot. But when it comes to a simple nightmare that has nothing to do with my life right now, why do I wake up to it so suddenly and fearfully?

Shattered (Continuation of: The Chase) ▹ Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now