Part 16

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Jungkook's POV

"Let's watch some other time" Jimin whispered eyeing Christine who fell asleep on V's shoulders.

"She looks really tired." RapMon hyung said

"Let her sleep." V hyung said as he positioned themselves in a lying position where Christine was lying on his chest.

"It's late and I'm tired too.. Let's do this tomorrow shall we?" Jin hyung asked and everyone positioned themselves ready to sleep.

In a matter of minutes everyone fell asleep. It was a tiring day for us but somehow I can't sleep knowing that she's sleeping in someone else's arms.

I had a mini heart attack when she moved facing her back towards a snoring V hyung and faced me.

My heart softened as her facial expression shows that she's having a nightmare.

"No... No.. No." She sat up quickly, looking around then suddenly her face fell on her hands.

"Are you alright?" I asked and it surprised her.

"Sorry.. Didn't mean to scare you.." I said rubbing the back of my neck as I rest my back on the sofa.

"No it's fine" she exhaled as she sat beside me leaning her back on the sofa too.

"Nightmare?" I asked.

"Mm. What time is it?" She asked

"11:30" I shrugged.

"If were going to class tomorrow, we should be sleeping" she chuckled.

"I won't sleep til you're awake" I smiled at her and she returned it.

"Komawaeo" she softly said

We talked about alot of things. We goofed around as I try to make her forget about the nightmare she had. Then she asked me how it's going with work and I told her that we're doing great. I told her about how Suga hyung loves his fans and even made gifts himself for the ARMY. She smiled and let me continue. I told her how everyone practices hard but we always find some time to goof around. Especially Jimin hyung and J-Hope hyung. I told her about J-Hope hyung and RapMon hyung composing songs with Suga hyung and she told me she knows those?

"I told you. I'm an army too!" She giggled

"Ah jinjaru? Who's your bias?" I asked half expecting.

"Kookie ah!" She beamed. Oh how I wish she couldn't see the pinkish red creeping on my cheeks.

When I looked at her, she looked away but I couldn't help but notice the blush on her cheeks as well since the lampshade was left on for her.

"Uhm Christine ah.. If .. Would.. Uh. " How stupid Jungkook! You look stupid. Great. Just great. Man up and tell her now!

"Y..yeah?" She asked looking at me.

"If you're going to work tomorrow, can I walk you there?" Psh lame Jungkook. That was lame. You dishonest person Jeon Jeongguk.

"Oh well I'm on my days off and manager nim said I'll go back on Monday since I still have to rest. Besides. Exams are coming up. Have you studied?" I asked him.

"I'm having a hard time in math" I sighed.

"Should I help you?" She asked smiling at me. It's embarrassing to show my stupid side infront of the girl I really like. But if it means we could spend some time together then why not?

"Kookie ah~" she said. I really like it when she calls me that..

"Mm?" I asked softly. She suddenly rested her head on my shoulder

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