When Love Arrives

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When True Love stays aside

of any human’s life...

loneliness takes the place

prolonging nights and days.

When True Love is not near,

what song you use to hear?

What means time and space?

Which are the special days?

When Love remains so far

and you resemble tire,

to whom you will require?

Where will be your desire?

When True Love is abide

with whom you can comply?

Who will respond your call

and hear you at all?

When True Love stays inside

the soul enjoys it's truthfulness

you hear His voice reply;

your heart remains rely.

When True Love overflows

something makes your face glows;

Love enjoys your free soul

looking at the Great Goal.

When True Love states His kingdom

you recover the reason;

you retrieve your lost smile;

yours becomes a new life.

When True Love really arrives

never you will be abide;

you will live in Victory

since you are seeing His Glory.

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