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My hand began to cramp up as we approached hour one of the signing. I looked up to see there was probably another hour worth of signing to be done before I can go sit down for a five minute break before heading to my question and answer panel.

"How's your shoulder?" Antonio whispered with a sly smile.

"Shut up." I mumbled back before looking up at the next girl with a smile. She was at least fifteen, but with that makeup skills she could pass of as eighteen.

"What I'm just asking?" Antonio whispered.

"Leave him alone." Robin snapped under her breath.

Antonio sunk back into his seat before sitting back up to sign another poster. Flashing the brown haired girl with slight darkish skin a award winning smile.

"William, I am probably your biggest fan." She explained. "Me and my best friend love you. We've been trying right get my twin sister to watch you but she rather read."

"Glad to hear." I smile friendly, signing her poster in the exact same spot as the others.

When I looked back up my eyes were instantly drawn to the purple and white cover like it was an instinct. When I looked up even further I froze. Forgetting everything as I stared at the girl with her hair tied up in a messy bun with the brown eyes I've never thought could be so beautiful.


Her sister dragged her away before I had the chance to say something. What could I say though? Hey I'm actually not named Kevin, I'm actually William Everest who you somehow ran into at that corner bookstore.

Before I could do anything I was back signing another poster of myself. This time my signature a little more sloppy as my mind was racing.

The next hour of signing was a giant blur. But when the final person approached our booth I've never felt so much joy in my life. I signed my name as nice as I could before watching her leave through the exit doors.

"Alright," Angie said. "You got a five minute break before heading to the questions and answers portion of the day."

"Thanks Angie." Everyone said but Antonio who just had an evil smirk the whole time.

I got out of my seat quickly and headed to the lounge area. It was empty. I grabbed myself a water bottle and chugged it quickly making my insides hurt.

When I turned the corner that's where I saw her for the second time. Standing in front of a vending machine debating what she wanted to get.

In panic I jerked backwards, knocking over the trashcan nearby.

Her head turned in my direction but that's when I quickly moved in between the two walls hoping she won't come and investigate.

She turned the corner and my heart came to a complete halt. Instead of seeing me, she continued to walk where I guess the questions and answers room.

What am I going to tell her? I possibly just ruined my chance of being treated like a normal person who doesn't have the title of being the hottest in the world.

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