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It took probably around five minutes to tell Dad the entire story and explain to him I had no idea that "Kevin" was actually William Everest in the first place. Then I proceed to explain to both Dad and Clarke that I didn't think anything of it until now, now that I'm apparently William's mystery girl. Which for one kind of warms my heart a tiny bit but then again is terrifying in a strange way.

"I never thought you'd get a boyfriend before me, let alone William Everest!" Clarke screamed and Dad sent her a few glares. Shutting her right up.

"First of all," I said while facing Clarke, "I'm not dating nobody let alone plan too."

Clarke's smile dropped.

"Second I never wanted to meet William Everest in the first place. I originally though I actually met a nice guy who happens to also have the reading interests as myself."

I would've continued until my phone began vibrating on the counter rapidly. Clarke shot me looks as I made my way and bringing up the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello miss, is this Cassie Gray on the phone?" It was a male voice on the other side of the line. I didn't know this person let alone how they got my number, but they sure new me and found a way.

"Yes and who is this I may ask?" I say, returning the question.

"This is Tyson Everest. Father of William Everest in case you're wondering." He spoke so businessmen like, sending shivers up my spine.

"Look i'm sorry that I brought William in the spotlight, it wasn't my intention." I say so smoothly, but if this Tyson could see me in person, I'm sweating nervously and feel like throwing up.

"Actually that's why I called you." Well that single line took me by complete surprise. "You see it's hard to gain publicity nowadays especially with all the hate and rough celebrities. You see William hasn't been on a big news show that wasn't signed on to talk about him, so you must know that this whole event has taken all of us by surprise. Well I and William's managers and producers thought this publicity would be good for William and the television show and we were hoping if we could have you come join us up in New York for the Yearly Awards as William's new girlfriend."

"I'm sorry? Did you say girlfriend?"

Dad's and Clarke's eyes widened with their jaws almost hitting the floor.

"Yes Miss. Gray. We want to fly you out to New York for the Yearly Awards as William's girlfriend. It will bring great publicity and more views if we presented his so called 'mystery girl' as his new love interest. We constructed up an entire story on how you guys became a thing to strike hope to the young fans that William is open to date his fans and after, let's say three months, you'll end things in front of everyone. The after that you'll act like nothing happened and you'll never have to see William Everest or yourself in the news every again. Or you ever had dreams of becoming somebody in this world of ours, you can make that happen too."

"So what are you offering me in return for me pretending to be his girlfriend for the next three months." I almost choked on my own words.

"Well Miss. Gray i'm glad you ask. In return for your sacrifice we shall provide you with free traveling that's also applies to your father and sister, excellent dining areas, a brand new wardrobe, and to top it off we'll also throw in thirty-thousand dollars for you and your family."

I almost dropped my phone at these news. With that much money Dad would never have to work late shifts ever again. We could afford another car so we wouldn't have to share anymore. I could actually get a brand new bookcase that can actually hold all my books.

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