chapter 6

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(Time SKIP to a couple months later). Me and will have been together a couple months and there are pros and cons. Pros are we live together and when we get along we get along well. Which brings me to the cons we argue a lot I think we are falling out of love.
I haven't been loving shelby as much as normal. Let me explain why.
"Hey will, what's wrong??" Asked graser. " Nothing grase it's just shelby."" Bro what's wrong with shelby!?!?!?!?!?!?!"" She...i don't know if I want to say!"" Dude you can tell me anything,you know that."" Shelby has been acting weird lately and I don't love her as much as I did."" No man you can't do that to her maybe she realizes the tension."" I don't know dude. I think we should...break...up."" NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Will you can't do that. No. Please be joking."" I am not kidding grase."" Ok well I am meeting shelby later so I am not going to say anything about what we said here, PROMISE!""Ok dude thanks."
"Shelby he knows your acting kind of standoffish. Shelby what are we going to do!"
"Graser I have something to tell you but you can't tell will..."" What is it shelbs."" I was hanging out with some friends when we learned black magic and I kinda turned myself into a...v-vampire."
"Umm what do we tell him. Graser help me."" Why don't you use black magic to...make him fall back in love, and you turn normal tomorrow right?"" Yeah hopefully."" Ok so I will take will bowling so you can change, text me when to bring him back , and then cast the spell."" Ok hopefully this will work."
Hey guys sorry for not posting yesterday I wasn't feeling good, and couldn't post. I am so sorry. Love you all bye.

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