Tony don't you dare!!

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After I stormed off I realize that was incredibly stupid. Tony will most definitely get into trouble.

"Celia where's Tony?" Natasha runs up and asks. I opened my mouth to speak but a loud scream cuts me of.

"NATALIE CELIA COME SEE THIS" Pepper screams. We immediately run to the voice pushing past people. Pepper is as pale as a sheet. She's watching To my get into his race car. He can't be doing whatnot think he's doing right? Yes he is.

"He is going to get himself killed" Natasha gasps.

"Scuse me" I dash way ripped the bottom of my dress in the process. Luckily I have shorts on underneath. Time is running out as I frantically sprint to try and stop the race. "NO TONY" I yell as his car takes off. "D@mmit" I utter out of ideas. All I can do is pray he survives. Over the screaming of the crowd I barely sense it but it's there. I look over a guy in a orange pit stop suit is pushing his way last everyone. He seems very suspicious. He makes his way to the gate onto the track and starts unlocking it. Yep definitely suspicious. Instantly I weave in an out of the crowd and make my way to him. Before I can he is walking on the track right smack dab in the middle. He's gonna be killed!!! "Sir sir please come back" I beg. He looks straight at me and smirks shaking his head. Soon a car comes speeding at him. The driver tries to stop but he won't be able to in time. Just as the car comes veering towards the man a whip like thing pops from his sleeve and it suddenly starts glowing and electricity flows through it. What is he doing? The man whips the car and it the front end comes clean off. The rest of the car does a weird flip thing and ends up blowing up. I live army mouth to keep from screaming. This guy would kill me. But the innocents Celia save them!!! Conscious please don't ate at me wrong. I launched myself at the man. He whipped a electricity whip at me but I dodged it. Suddenly his shirt ripped open and burned off revealing a metal skeleton on his arms and chest. Right smack dab in the center was an arc reactor. "No way" I gasped. The man took his chance and swung at me again. This time he nearly hit my leg but I managed to just miss it. When I moved out of the way of the whip I fell into some glass and got a huge shard shoved in my leg. "Fu fu fu fu fu" I panted while waving my hands wildly.

"I got you now" the man sneered and just as he was about to slice me in half with a whip Tony's car came careening down the road distracting him.

"Yes" I pumped my fists in the air. But my celebration was short lived when the guy sliced Tonys car in half and Tony's side went flying. "NOO" I screamed and picked up a shard of glass throwing it at the man. The man seemed to have a new target and ignored my helpless attempt. I watched in terror as the man got closer and closer to Tony's car when it suddenly blew up. I got blown back a few feet and the glass in my leg got pushed in even more. The scream that came out of my mouth couldn't have been human it sounded like a dying cat. Come to think of it I kinda was.

Tony was fighting the mystery man but horribly losing. Any second it would end badly I know it. But Pepper and Happy to the rescue. They came driving in with their black van and crushed the guy against the gate.

"Celia" Tony ran over.

"I'm okay" I assure him but the tears running down my face and the big bloody gash in my leg didn't help convince him.

"We need to get you to a hospital" Tony picked me up.

"Hospital isn't necessary Natalie is trained in nursing" I quickly came up with an excuse. "Please don't take me to the hospital" I pleaded as he set me in the van. Before he could answer the guy woke up and lashed the car door off. Pepper started screeching and freaking out.

"Get me the suit" Tony demanded.

"It handcuffed to my wrist Pepper do the combination" Happy yelled. Peppers hands were shaking to much so I ripped my glove off and used my long nail to pick the lock. It sprung open and Tony quickly stepped on it and the suit built up around him.

"Pepper calm down" I tried to calm her.

"Your leg" Pepper screeched.

"Thanks for reminding me" I cried holding my leg.  To my quickly defeated the man by twisting himself up on the whips and blowing the guy back with his pulser beam. All was well okay maybe it wasn't.

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