6: Hospital

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Lisa's pov.
I heard sirens and people blabbing around my ear. After moments, the sound that i heard disappeared in a blink of eye. I can feel my eyes.. it is so heavy. I can feel my ears trying to go far away. But i cant feel my legs and hands. And... memories.

Taehyung's pov.
oh my gosh. L-lisa!!! I was frozen that time because i thought it was Hoseok pushing me just to make a joke, but actually.. Lisa was trying to save me?

My friendship with Lisa wasnt that close at school but she saved me!

.... hospital....

I followed Blackpink noonas/dongsaengs ,my hyungs and Jungkook but Tzuyu seems she doesnt want to come with us.


Jungkook! Just let her be in the hospital im too tired! Tzuyu make excuses.

Ani! I am visiting my friend! Go home by yourself! Lisa just been hit by a car and you didnt care! Jungkook scold.
I followed blackpink noonas/dongsaengs to Lisa's room, but Jisoo backed me up.

Taehyung! Dont come with us. Lisa is in danger! This accident.. caused by you!! Jisoo scolded me.

I backed up and went to my hyungs and Jungkook. And suddenly Jungkook spoke up.

Taehyung hyung, is Lisa okay? He asked.

Ani. Her unnies doesnt let me. Because they said this accident was caused by me. I continued.

Jungkook, Taehyung come. Noeul startled us from our back.

Mwo? Jinjja? Gomawo~ we said at the same time.


It's been two hours, and the doctor came out. There was only me, Jungkook, blackpink noonas/dongsaengs and Noeul noona. Jisoo just rolled her eyes on me like almost three hundred times.

Annyeong, my name is Doctor Hayoon and i am the doctor to Miss Naye? May i know her family members? She asked while looking at us.

Me! I am Kim Noeul, her one and only family member here. Noeul raised her hand.

You can now visit her. But there is a good news and a bad news. Should i start with the good news? The doctor added.

Yes, just say it.. Noeul said.

Umm, the good news is Naye is now on a stable condition and very healthy but her feet need to rest more. And the bad news is she is now having a small memory loss about her boyfriend. Just temporary. The doctor explained everything.

We were all shook when we heard the word 'Memory Loss'. But she is only having a memory loss about her boyfriend? I have never heard about Lisa's bf.

B-boyfriend! I never knew that Lisa had a bf! We all said in a same time.

Then i saw Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Jennie gossiping.

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