You find their porn

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-"Whaaaaaaaat no....that's not mine."
-"Finn was on my laptop."
"I swEAR!"
-forbids you from his electronics


-"Heh you see...."
-"uh um shoot,uh oh uh what's that behind you?"


-"it was jack."
-"okay I watch porn. What are you gonna do?"
-"now be a doll and put it back and leave please."
-careless about it


-Stutters a lot
-bill denbrough who?
-"its not mine."
-"I'm holding it for a friend."
-just freaks out
-rip Wyatt

I didn't do the rest because I ran out of ideas and I'm tired and I wanna read and sleep. K bye


it cast imagines (;Where stories live. Discover now