Chapter XXI- I get a flashback

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Oh my freaking gods! I know those two! They are really twins! Who knew that I would see these two again?!?OK. Let me start over, beginning with a flashback.

Little Princesses Orphanage- 2004

I was sitting alone in corner with a box of Legos and three pairs of scissors. My mom had just died. Aunt Amma had just sent me here after I threatened to break my cousin's arm off, after he called me stupid, even though my I.Q. was way higher than his. Aunt Amma said I was too dangerous and unpredictable.

Anyway I had just built a replica of the Empire State Building. Then a set of twins I had not seen before came up to me.

“Who are you?!?" I demanded.

“I'm Annabella West." one girl said, picking up a blue pair of my scissors.

“I'm Mary Kolby." the other said, using the rest of the Legos to build a replica of the Eiffel Tower.

“I'm Allison Austin. You can call me Ally. I'll call you Ann instead of Annabella." I said, and just like that we were best friend's.

A month later, a bratty girl named Penny Kendle had snuck up on me on my birthday and she had scissors. She grabbed my ponytail and cut a clump of it off. Then she let go.

I turned around and punched her in the nose as hard as I could. It made a shattering noise, as if a glass was broken, and blood came pouring out. She screamed as loud as she could and a teacher came in.

“Allison...!" she sobbed.

The teacher looked at me and I knew what I had to do. I made a plan to escape. My punishment was no dinner and I had to go to bed immediately. The teacher also got a girl to go get her a switch. She then made everyone go sit on their beds. Penny had an evil gleam in her eyes.

The teacher had just calmed Penny down. Afterwards she said a little speech on why we shouldn't fight.

“Now, Allison you shall be punished. Penny cried for an hour, due you you punching her in the nose. An hour contains sixty minutes. That's how many times I will smack you with this switch." she said, then started smacking me with the switch as hard she could.

I yelled and screamed in pain. I mean, I was only five, and she was spanking me with a switch, at full force. When she was done, she dismissed everyone to dinner. Finally. I was alone.

I grabbed gray jacket and pulled it on. I grabbed a ski hat and put it on. I pulled on my black fur boots. Then I grabbed my red backpack and put a change of clothes in it, along with my scissors, a gun in the teachers dresser drawer, and extra bullets. Then I wrote a note to Annabella and Mary, explaining I was running away, and why. Finally, I made my bed look like I was in it.

I heard the door handle moving behind me. I grabbed my bandana and unlatched the window. As the door swung open, I swung out of the Orphanage and slammed the window back shut.

I went around the Orphanage and opened the unarmed front door, went to the the desk. I opened the top drawer and took the biggest wad of cash (about three thousand dollars) and ran out the door again. I heard screaming, meaning that they found out I ran away.

I ran to the train station and ran into a girl my age. She had electric blue eyes and brown hair. I asked her for help when she realized that I was alone. I told her the whole story. She agreed to help me and told me her name was Skyler.

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