Chapter 5: The Earl, Uncovering Secrets

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"You're kidding me!" Ciel cried out in fury as he tossed the newspaper aside. It was the day after he had just investigated Sir Walter's murder at Scotland Yard, and already another murder took place.

"These people do not wait to take the opportunity to strike, so it seems," Sebastian commented.

Ciel sat back down, much too enraged to continue eating his breakfast. "Schedule back everything. I want to get this case solved as quickly as possible," Ciel commanded.

"I already took the liberty of doing so, Young Master," Sebastian replied, "though I hope you are not rescheduling everything so that you can avoid your daily lessons."

"I am in no mood for jokes, Sebastian," Ciel retorted. "If the killers are working ten steps ahead of us already, then we must catch up to them."

"It seems like you have been challenged by these opponents."

"I will not rest until they are taken care of. Let us hurry before Scotland Yard stops looking at Sir Walter and starts focusing on this crime scene," Ciel concluded as Sebastian helped him put on his coat. Let these killers play their silly little game. I will be sure to win the battle soon enough...


Liverpool Street Station, London

Police directed the flow of traffic as people crowded around the crime scene. Though some tried to stay away from the scene of the crime, curiosity got the better of them. Unfortunately, after looking at the body of the nobleman, the bystanders soon realized that they wished they had not seen the monstrosity that lay before them. Ciel and Sebastian, after being dropped off by a carriage, walked up to the Chief of Police.

"Excuse me, little boy, but you cannot view the crime scene. If you'll please go to your left-" began the Police Chief before Ciel handed him the letter from the Queen about investigating the matter of Sir Walter.

"We believe that this murder is connected to Sir Walter Scott's murder," Ciel uttered. The Chief of Police nodded and allowed Ciel and Sebastian to view the crime scene while he and the other officers continued directing the people away from the crime scene.

Ciel had been hoping to see his rescuer, from the previous day, at the crime scene, not that the Guard Dog wanted the man to die. If he was not hiding, and if he was here, maybe he would have provided me some clues as to what is going on here... Ciel thought to himself as he took a look at the nobleman's body. The boy had to cover his mouth with the handkerchief for fear of vomitting in front of everyone.

The nobleman's body was in complete disarray. It looked as though the poor man was soaked in a bloodbath with all the stabbing the perpetrators had done to him. He was barely recognizable in this state, but Ciel knew who he was from the papers.

"Lord Roland K. Fitch," Ciel muttered under his breath, "I hope you still have some evidence left in you."

"I'm afraid that everything on his body has been bloodied up, Earl Phantomhive. You're not going to be finding much hard evidence from his person," the Chief of Police remarked, but the boy ignored the comment as he looked carefully at the body. The stab wounds were similar to that of Sir Walter in that both men were attacked with different knives, at least, according to Lord Randall.

"Sebastian, I want you to search the body for evidence anyway," Ciel demanded.

"Yes, Young Master," was his reply. He then began to search the mutilated body carefully, without messing up the crime scene. He soon found a bloodied up letter in Fitch's inner coat pocket. Sebastian hid this in his own coat pocket so as to avoid losing it. The butler continued to search the body until all of the evidence was either taken note of or hidden behind his coat. The Police Chief was too busy to notice as he was directing the people away from the crime scene.

Phantomhive's Creed (A Black Butler/Assassin's Creed Crossover Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant