Chapter 23

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Tears pour down my face as I make my way to my apartment, why was I so cold to him? Harry didn't deserve that but I'm just so confused. The feelings I have for him are so intense so quickly.....

Even more intense that what I feel for Xander and the scares the absolute shit out of me. Maybe that's why I'm acting this way, I'm trying to push him away.

It was like a sign hit me in the face, in my weakest point when I'm about to give in to my temptations. BOOM Xander calls, not only does he call but he drops something massive on me. I can't believe he called his father.

I'm so proud of him but it feels different, like how I would feel about Jerica. I can't ruin this for him though, we will deal with everything after I see him through this. He doesn't have anyone except me.

Don't think that Harry's defeated look when I returned Xander's I love you but I couldn't brush him off, plus when I said it.... I don't know, it just felt different. 

"Jerica? Ariel?" I shout as I walk through the door, Ariel is sitting on my bed as I hear hushed whispers in the kitchen. My heart drops as I see Jerica crying while talking to our landlord. "What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"I'm sorry ladies, you signed a lease agreeing that only you two Mr. Evans would be living here. We wouldn't of rented to you had we known a child would be brought in." Mr. Alvarez explains and everything gets blurry as I fight back tears. 

"My brother was abandoned Mr. Alvarez, if I didn't take him in he'd be an orphan." I sob and he looks down regretfully. 

"I'm sorry Angelic but you signed a contract."

"So you're evicting us?" I snap and he sighs.

"If you leave in the next 24 hours and the apartment is in good shape then I won't have an eviction notice issued, nothing will show on your rental history or anything." He assures us.

"You expect us to move everything in 24 hours? Are you fucking kidding me?"I rant and he narrows his eyes at me. 

"I'd watch your tongue Miss Samson-"

"I'm sorry, she's under an incredible amount of stress. We'll be out by sundown tomorrow sir." Jerica says calming him down, he nods before bidding a frigid farewell and exiting the apartment.

"First my brother is an orphan then my boyfriend leaves me, THEN my car gets repoed and I have to find his dad. Now Harry hates me, My dad is a world away and we're homeless." I cry, my back slides down the wall as my body falls to the floor. "I don't know how much more I can take."

"I can check with my mom, she loves Ariel and we have an extra room-"

"No Jer." I sigh as I pull out my phone. "He may hate me and he has every right to after how I treated him earlier but I need to swallow my pride and call Harry." I sigh and she nods softly. "He'll at least take Ariel while I find a cheap hotel to stay in or something." I add and she gives me a thin lipped nod as I put my phone to my ear. "Harry I'm sorry, I don't have anyone else to call." I breakdown on the phone as I hear Harry wrestling around.

"I'll be right there." He says simply before hanging up the phone, I drop my phone to the side and continue to cry. 

"Ariel fell to sleep babe, I moved him into my bed." Jerica says as she crouches down to me. "I'm going to bring some of my stuff over to my mom's and stay there tonight, is that ok?" She asks, her face wrinkles in worry.

"I'll be fine." I whisper weakly, she kisses my head and tells me that she'll see me tomorrow before heading out of the kitchen. A few minutes later I hear the front door slam shut and heavy footprints enter. 

"Angel?" Harry's voice shouts, he walks into the kitchen and his face falls when he sees me curled up against the wall. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks as he squats down in front of me. 

"I have 24, well now 23 hours to find somewhere for Ariel and I to live. The landlord found out he was living here and now we're homeless and I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like my life is falling apart around me, two weeks ago I was perfectly fine, I had a loving boyfriend and an adorable brother I took care of every other weekend but now.... Now I'm basically his mother, I don't know where I stand with my boyfriend who I don't even know if I want to be with anymore PLUS I'm homeless and carless." I rant as tears pour down my face, I look up to Harry, my brown eyes fit to his greens. "Then there's you." I whisper. "You're so wonderful Harry and I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier, I'm just so confused." I admit, he cups my face and gazes into my eyes. 

"It will be ok Angel." He whispers and I sigh.

"I know it's a lot and so fast but can Ariel stay with you? I'll find some cheap hotel and I don't even know what I'm going to do with all my stuff-"

"Shhh, you and Ariel are coming to stay with me."

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