Chapter 16

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I never cared much for what I looked like or what others thought about what I looked like. Clothes were just... clothes, as long as I felt comfortable, I didn't care.

I wonder how I went from not caring, to this.

My room looked like my closet had vomited all its content. My shirts were all over my bed, jeans and jackets and jumpers all over the place and I still didn't know what to wear. I looked around my room, standing on my bed, I looked around... just thinking about cleaning this up was already stressing me out.

See, the problem was that I wasn't used to this, it was the girls who showed me a new world where picking what you wear was an 'important decision' and I liked the way I looked when they helped me get dressed, but I don't know if I could dress myself like that if I did it alone.

Basically, I needed help.

And my first thought was Becca, she always helped me whenever I needed help with makeup or picking jeans, but I couldn't ask Becca because it is Becca who I was going to go out with.

Another thing was... I've been to funfairs before, we went together last time it came to town and I just wore a hoodie with jeans... was this different? I mean, the girls weren't coming, so that was... something.

Groaning, I let my body drop on the bed and as soon as my body met the mattress, I was buried in a pile of clothes. I didn't know what to wear and I didn't know if it was going to be cold or if it would rain and what if she wanted to stay for long? It was cold at night and if I didn't pick the right jacket, I'd freeze to death and... what about a small bag? Because, if I didn't take a bag, where would I put my umbrella, in case it rained later on and—

Why the hell was I overthinking this so much?

"She's been like that since this morning," Auntie Ceci's voice interrupts my mental breakdown. She had been coming and going, offering me help and also trying to keep things a little tidy but I ended up getting frustrated and asking her to please give me space. "I think this is about the fifth breakdown she's had, it's so cute."

"Please tell me she's here," I cried out, ready to start crying for real.

"Oh, my god." I heard Nina gasping and I, for real, wanted to cry. "What have you done?"

I sat up. Auntie Ceci and Nina are standing by the door, both of them inspecting my mess. Aunt Ceci was no longer affected by the state of my room, she had the whole morning to get used to it but Nina... oh, boy, Nina was looking around, not knowing exactly what to say.

"When you said it was an emergency, I didn't—"

"I let you girls have fun," Aunt Ceci interrupted, turning away from us and going back down the stairs.

I got up from my bed and dragged Nina inside my room, not caring that she was stepping on my clothes.

"I need help," I told her, standing next to her. "I'm going out to the funfair with Becca and I have no idea what to wear."

Nina nodded, looking around my room. She leaned down and grabbed a black t-shirt and threw it on my bed. "Is it a date?"

I snorted and giggled, "Dude, no." A date? Why would she think that? "We're just going to—"

"You and Becca have been getting close—"

I rolled my eyes. "I could say the same about you and Cassie."

Nina laughed and turned to look at me, her eyes getting slightly smaller when she smiled. "Making that comparison doesn't help your case because," She smirked and came closer to me to whisper the last bit as if it was a secret. "I actually like Cassie."

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