aftermath 06

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pic of Annie above ^^
chapter dedicated to: Lauren Orlando because it was her birthday recently 💘

posting before i'm supposed to!

johnny POV:

I've been thinking all about what Darian and Maddie said, they said that Kenzie is actually alive.

And that I don't believe because if she were to play a joke it wouldn't be for this long. But yet at the same time we didn't even have a funeral cause we can't find her. People find the word disappear as dead in other terms. But it is unsure, but I doubt she's alive.

I would be the one to get the news first, not Darian. That's how this is unbelievable. As much as I want her to be alive, it's high in doubt.

Lauren is still in surgery, and it's been about 2 hours, and Mom says it's gonna last for another 2 hours, meaning that the total amount of hours is 4.

4 hours, 240 minutes, 14,400 seconds, 1.44e+7 milliseconds, 1.44e+10 microseconds, and 1.44e+13 nanoseconds.

Wow, that's actually pretty long and I'm surprised by how fast I calculated that. Just kidding, I obviously searched it up on Google.

I'm actually really worried for Lo, her body can be really sensitive, she gets rashes and bruises easily.

Mom is waiting outside the surgery room, Darian is as well and so am I.

There's so many possibilities and what if's, it's scary.

fast forward >>

Lauren has officially gotten out but the doctor is currently talking to us.

"I'm sad to tell you but we couldn't get the tumor out. We'll try to have another surgery but this time the prices get a bit higher, I'm sorry." Doctor Knight says

Our family is already dealing with enough financial problems ever since Dad left, I was hoping Doc would say it was on the house but, no.

"We're already dealing with many problems so please, a discount would work." Mom says

Darian has her hands covering her face and her hair covering the sides of it.

"I'm sorry but we can't give discounts for surgery unless you are related to one of the workers of the hospital," Doctor Knight says

Lauren is still asleep, but this means when she wakes up she'll be having non-stop seizures, meaning that she'll have to be homeschooled.

"John, it's time for you to go to school. Don't worry, Me and Darian will get through this. Is it okay if you drive yourself?" Mom asks

"Oh, I forgot. But yeah, its okay. I'll be going now." I say

fast forward >>
6:47 am

At least I got here before 7:00, but in about 3 minutes the bell is going to ring, signaling homeroom period.

I see people giving me peculiar glares as I walk throughout the halls.

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