Part 2 (Red)

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(RED's story)

"If I'm not mistaken, his room is just across mine." 

Red is hiding behind her curtain while peeking a bit. She is trying to see whether her guess is correct, and at the same time, wishing for her wish to come true? And of course, her wish is to see him opening his window, while not wearing his shirt. No she is not a pervert, she just wanted to see how much he has changed over this 5 years. Or was it 4 years? Was it 6? Ah nevermind.

She hopes that he at least has abs. She smiles, thinking how dirty she is for having this kind of thought and to wish to at least see him once without his shirt. It has been only 3 seconds that she saw him yesterday, and here she is now, thinking all kind of stuff.

Just when she is about to give up her not so dirty thought, the windows across her is opened. She is so surprise that she hides herself more, eventhough she is already behind the curtain. She peeks again and get disappointed.

"Why is he wearing a shirt?" She pouts.

"My brother wears only his boxer to sleep and he wear full clothes? What a bummer haha."

She sees him yawning and staring at her window. Scared that he might see her, she steps back to her bed quietly, almost looking like a thief trying to get away like how cartoon do. 

"What are you doing?"

"Huh what?!" A slightly cracked voice at her door frame surprises her that she yells a bit. 

"Uh nothing." She replies.

"I saw you peeking and I'm going to tell Mom."

"Don't you dare you little poo poo." She walks toward her little brother. Yes, the one who sleeps with only his boxer most of the time.

"Stop calling me that! I really hate that name."

"Okay little sh.."


She quickly closes his mouth with her hand. "Okay Ryan! Shhh!"

"What's going on up there? Get yourself down here and have breakfast!" Their mom calls from the kitchen.

"Ay ay captain!" Red smiles widely while taking her brother's hand, Ryan to go down together. Her eyes tells him that she is actually begging him to not tell their mom about this.

"Coming Mom." Ryan rolls his eyes.


Red is on her way to work like usual when she spots Cameron at the balcony of his house. She wants to say hi but she just does not has the courage to do so.

"Okay boy, we are neighbours. So you should at least notice me and say hi." She talks to herself quietly.

She tries to walk slowly in front of his house so that he has the time to say hi to her. 

"Red!" She hears her mom calls her from their house.

"Nice Mom!" She thinks in her head. She turns towards her Mom. "Yes?"

"You forgot to take your bag with you!"

"It's okay! I don't need it today!"

"You sure?!"


"Okay honey! Tell Elaine I say hi!"

"Will do! Do you want anything from Elaine's Coffee?"

"No thank you! Have fun working!"

Red nods her head and wave her mom goodbye. She manages to smile at Cameron when she is turning her body. Cameron smiles back. 

She is trying her best to put on poker face while her heart is beating loudly. She pats her own shoulder proudly for being able to mention the shop where she is working in hope that Cameron can stop by. 

"Good job Red. Hope he heard your name back there."


"You look like you're in a good mood today Red. What happened?" The girl who is of the same age as Red asks her. She sits in front of her. Her ponytail move along as she tilts her head. 

"What? Nothing happened."

"Girl, let me tell you something." She holds Red's left hand in her right hand.

"I've known you for several years now so I know what's up with you bitch."

Red is still smiling until she realizes that Orange is calling her 'bitch'. "I know what's up with you too, bitch. You've been hanging out with Shawn again, do you?"

Orange grins widely. Red pinches Orange's arm. "Just three days ago, you cried saying he cheated on you. And now you act like nothing happened?"

"That's just a misunderstanding. We're cool now."

"That's what you said month ago as well."

"But this time, it's different! I swear!" 

Red rolls his eyes. "Yes, please make it lasts this time."

"Ey, why are you changing the subject. We were talking about youuuu!"

Red's smile is back on her face. At this time, the bell rings when the door swings open, indicating customer walking in the coffee shop.

"Welcome to Elaine's Coffee!" Both Red and Orange say to the customer who is walking in. The customer smiles at them.

"You see Orange. I really hope that it's not my lunch break right now."

"Huh?" Orange looks at Red weirdly before walking to her work space to take the new customer's order.

"What a beautiful day." Red says to her iced vanilla latte before sipping on the straw.



Please take note that there are several main characters in this story and they are named by the colour of rainbow. All of them have different love stories. Some are related and some are not. I'm going to put each name at the beginning of the story if the story is about them. End of part 2!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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