Chapter 14 Sweet bubbles

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"What the hell is going on?"Helga questioned.

"What do you mean?"Blondie questioned.

"That ring...,"Helga noticed Blondie's soul ring before hiding the hand with her soul ring and the pink candy sketch on her middle nail,"You are a magical girl too?"

"It takes one to know one,"Blondie growled.

"Helga, she's hating on Menge,"Amy said in a tattle tale tone.

"What do you have against Menge? She is harmless to humans,"Helga questioned.

"She is a witch. They kill people and feed off of their death."

"Yes but Menge is a good witch. She hunts other witches, she is like humanity's protector."

"Well, this is getting more and more awkward,"Amy sighed.

"Well, that is true,"Helga hummed before clapping her hands together and transforming. Helga's ponytail was now held up by a pink bow. Her soul gem was in the form of a pink candy on her belt. She had a pair of black bloomers that went to her knees, a purple shirt with baggy sleeves that went to her elbows, black knee high boots, and a pink wool cloak.

"I know, what about the three of us go on a witch hunt!"

"Helga, are you crazy?"Amy asked. Helga knew this is how Amy says,"What are you talking about?" as she has said this even to teachers when she sought better understanding.

"Well I figured that we could bond during a witch hunt and get to know each other. We became friends during a witch hunt. I mean, we can't have the three magical girls at this school having a mini war against each other."

"Good point,Kanbey? You hear me?" Amy questioned.

'Loud and clear Amy,'a voice sung in Amy's head. She recently learned about the telepathy granted by Kanbey.

"Me, Helga and a new magical girl are going to go on a witch hunt. Want to come?"

'Yup! I'm be over there in a minute,' Kanbey spoke via telepathy.

Soon enough, the bathroom door slipped open as the cat like Kanbey entered the room. Amy and Helga were aware that Kanbey was man made and believed it was created to assist in witch hunting, especially with its knowledge of witches and being able to tell the name, nature and type if witch just from the barrier like a sort if encyclopedia.

"Kanbey. I see your doing well,"Kyubey spoke. Kanbey paused in its tracks as horror seemed to play on its face.

"Hello Kyubey..."

"Anyone else realize how strange it is that no one else seems to be in the bathroom right now?"Amy spoke.

" a good point...why is no one else in here?"Helga questioned and Blondie simply gave a shrug,"Anyways we have a witch hunt to get through."

Helga then pulled out a purple trumpet with pink bows on it. She opened the door with her foot and blew her horn, milky white bubbles filling the halls. They had discovered that Helga was able to create bubbles that would make them essentially invisible to normal humans last week. They got through half of the hallway when all of them suddenly popped. A loud snapping sound vibrated the halls as the magical bubbles bursted all at once. Standing before the three girls and two incubators was a girl none of them had seen before.

"Who is that?"Blondie questioned.

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