A Creator's Final Wordings

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For readers who stayed 'till the end, first things first: Thanks.

Yeah, it has a few things based upon.

The setting:

The bitterbugs. Yeah, gamers know which game this was based from.

If you knew, then probably you would be familiar to the "monsters" described from the stories.

The chapter titles, too.

The places, I just thought it off.

The characters:

Those characters were based from someone.

Each character is based from someone who made an impact to my life.

Their actions, their habits, and how I know them.

Except of the elders, such as the vulture, and Mr. Rhino.

Snow, I know you are reading this. Yeah, it pays to be a gamer. Take care of Carlson or some name I forgot who you'll call that little guy. That's worth a fortune.

In case Cat got to read my "very fantastic" story, yeah. Sorry for that. You know me, and you don't know me. I'll give the arrows to you later. I still hope that you would use that bow and quiver for future cosplaying. I made you a promise and I shall. Say hello to Parrot and Dog for me.

And for Dog, I miss that good gal. She's the kindest one to me so far in my "Weirdness". She'll read this, hopefully. Stay brave. You'll meet someone weirder and scarier than me in college. Good luck 'bout that.

For Cams, it's just a story. Don't treat it too seriously. You know that I'm always a faithful guy. It's been four years and I'm still here trying to win your heart. If you have read this, it's true that Mickey is still my best friend. I can't think of other names so I'd just put Avi and Pat's name there for a cameo.

For other people, I am the one behind the mask, and the one behind it all.

The plot:

For starters, half of them are true and half of them are a lie.

Dog's fear was always been there. There's a point in her life that she saw the same ghost I drew back then in a notebook she browsed. It was not of a great sight in a mirror when you wake up in the middle of a night. Twelve o'clock midnight to be specific.

Parrot's anxiety is also there. She was the best friend of Cat. She was also the way in getting into good terms with Cat and Dog.

I made Panda the depressed one because there was a point in his life that it affected his grades and health. Snow and I were that closest to him in that point of his life. We were always been there, for Rose and all.

Snow was the craziest, and the saddest. Pretty much I don't want this person to be in bad terms. Ice cream was proved to be super effective against raging polar bears.

I got rejected by Cat once, and that story came up. Mol was indeed a friend of mine and he won. I said that it was a fair game, and congrats. However, news came to me that he hurt her by choosing another girl. We fixed that bad term already. Mol, if you ever read this, Cat told me the truth already. It was indeed a bad thing, but I'd choose bros before hoes. Sorry Cat. I'll see you later in the fields of justice.

That would be all. Once again, thanks.

I'm not going for popularity or even dreaming to be a writer. I just created this for fun and all. It helpsme calm down when evil voices started to speak in my mind.

I'm not advertising this for you to like this thing. It will be your opinion. Not commenting at all is greatly appreciated.

Other special mentions:

Migs, thanks for that reader's tips about books. You're the hardcore reader in our room. Take care of silver negroid.

English teachers, it pays to be studying English after all.

That would be all.

I was thinking of a sequel. Then I said, nah. Just hang in there forever in a cliff.


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