Chapter 22

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I wake up Friday morning dreading tonight. Tonight at 5:00 pm Shawn has asked me to come get him at the airport and then go back to my place so we can talk. My parents, Lindsay, and Michael left on a trip and Chrissy flew with Matthew to London for Digifest, so we have the house to ourselves.

I get out of bed and walk downstairs, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I check the time, 9:27. I finish my breakfast and walk upstairs to get changed. I put on a floral flowy tank top and white lace shorts with my cream Toms.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and apply some makeup before leaving the house. The LAX airport is surprisingly close to my house, but I call Amy to pick me up to take me since Emi is in Indiana with Taylor.

Amy says she will come around 4 to get me and it's only 11:00 when I call, so I decide to ride my penny board down to the park and maybe the mall. I grab my phone and some money and head out.

"Leila! Will you take a picture with us?" Some girls ask when I get to the park. There's only three fans there so we go and sit down in the shade.

I take one of the girls phones and take at least twenty selfies on there. "Get in girls, this is like perfect selfie lighting."

We talk for about thirty minutes before the girls have to go back to their house for lunch.

I stay at the park for another ten minutes to meet and take photos with some fans who just showed up and skate to the mall.

I arrive at the mall twenty minutes later and go straight to the Starbucks to refuel. After I get my caramel macchiato I head to my favorite store, Forever 21. I look at all the items they have added since I last went and there's some majorly cute things. I end up buying a red and black checkered tank top, metallic shorts, a cream tank top with a flower on it, and some makeup and accessories.

I pay for the items and walk out, going over to Love Culture. "OMG! Leila can I have a picture!" A fan asks once I get inside. We take a few pictures, luckily she's the only fan in there, and we decide to shop together. I get some skinny jeans and a pink tank top.

We pay for our things and head over to TopShop together. "So, what are you gonna get?" She asks me.

"I don't know, whatever I find I guess."

She pays before me and leaves because her mom called or something asking her to come home. I settle on a cat shirt and a red crop top and head over to my final stop for the day, Icing.

When I walk in I head towards the back where the hair accessories are and pick out a black beanie, a hair bow, and a flower crown. I also get some pink and red lipstick and decide to go home.

In about fifteen minutes I get home and check the time, 3:30 I redo my hair and makeup and sit on the couch to watch TV while I wait for Amy to come.

Thirty minutes later I'm in her car on the way to the airport.

"You nervous?" She asks

"Kinda, I mean I don't know what he's going to say..." I say, looking out the window.

"It'll be fine."

The rest of the drive is spent in silence and we get to the airport soon enough. "I'll just come back around." Amy says, dropping me off at the front.

I nod and get out, heading inside.

Once inside I see a familiar figure by the door. I walk over and he turns around.

"Leila!" He says going in for a hug but then pulling back, rubbing the back of his neck.

I try not to smile and give him a hug. He wraps his large hands around my small waist and lifts me up in the air a little. I start giggling, damn, he makes it hard to be mad at him.

"Shawn! Put me down!" I say in between laughs.

"I knew I could get a laugh out of you." He says.

My smile fades as I remind myself to not do anything until I hear what he has to say.

We walk outside and Amy's car pulls up at the exact moment.

We get in and drive off.

Amy drops us off in front of my house and me and Shawn walk inside.

I couldn't wait to hear what he had to say...

hiya so I might post everyday from now on! Thanks so much for all the reads and positive feedback! Follow me on instagram @nashtypuma__


xoxo ~

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