Chapter 71

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You don't know what your thinking or why you would even hope that this would work but for some reason your first instinct when you see the paper is to hide it from Bucky.

He can't know about this, is all you can think... even though it's pretty stupid since he most definitely will find out about something like this.

Immediately you grab him by the arm and start pulling him along.

"Ah, hey babe come on let's get home," you say urgently.

"What? Why?" He frowns and looks around. "Doll why are you rushing?"

"Because it looks like it's going to rain!" You exclaim and point at the sky hoping that he will look that way.

"No it doesn't." He chuckles. "It's actually a pretty nice day."

"Ah no I don't think it's gonna last, come on, lets get home before the kids catch a cold," you urge him, practically dragging you down the street.

"What's the rush darl? The fresh air will do us all some good!" He says amusedly and lightly.

"Okay Bucky you want to know the truth?" You huff. "I'm pregnant and I am literally about to pee myself okay?" You lie.

His face falls but then he stifles a laugh.

"Oh right, okay yeah sorry let's go then." He sniggers.

"Thank you." You sigh, desperate to get home without him seeing anything.

As you power walk along as best as you can you can't help but notice the way peoples eyes go wide or they cross to the opposite side of the street when they see you guys. One of them even runs away and you just pray that Bucky doesn't see any of this.

Thankfully you do make it home and find that the phone is ringing. In a momentary laps of concentration due to baby brain you forget what you were rushing for in the first place.

"You go to the bathroom doll and I'll get that," Bucky says.

"Thanks." You breath without realising that you don't even need to go toilet.

But then as you are walking towards the toilet the light goes back on... about ten seconds too late.

"What?" You hear Bucky say urgently to whoever is on the phone. "What? Steve? What are you talking about? You did what? Wait what!?"

Your blood runs cold and immediately you turn on your heal and sprint back to him, practically diving and grabbing the phone off of Bucky.

"Wha-?!" He exclaims in surprise.

"Steve!" You yelp.

"(Y/N)?!" Steve asks back slightly confused but mostly frantic. "I swear, it wasn't me. I just saw it! Have you? I don't know how it got out there."

"Steve? Steve! Just calm down. I saw a bit of it but I didn't get a chance to read it all," you try to get out over the top of him while looking out of the corner of your eye at an anxious looking Bucky standing right beside you.

"Does Bucky know? How's he taking it?" He presses.

"No he doesn't but now he's confused." You murmur.

"I'm coming over right now," is all Steve says seriously before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Bucky asks in dread. "(Y/N) what's wrong?"

"Buck I want you to stay calm when I tell you this. Please do not freak out," you state.

You look around before continuing. Thankfully all the kids have gone off to their rooms to play before seeing this, except Theo of course who is still in his pram but he can't understand much anyway and he's currently asleep too.

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