Target 12 - Plain Pain: Vongola Style Pt. 4

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Pushing up his glasses with his index and middle finger, Verde tapped the keys of his laptop furiously and quickly with utter precision as if one wrong tap was going to end his life at that very moment.

His emotionless expression was almost calculative, inspecting every digit which appeared on the screen. The glasses reflected the light, hiding behind them his dark green eyes which sparked with sadism and interest.

Licking his dry, cracked lips and wincing slightly at the sharp ridges he came across, he pushed his wheely chair away from his desk which held many interlocking computers dotted across it, some of which were hung up on the wall.

The scientist stretched, hearing the satisfying pop his joints made from the long hours of sitting in the same position. His gaze trailed lazily over to the clock hanging on the wall on his right side. 13:26 in the afternoon.

Suddenly, the phone in the corner of the room started to ring in an annoying tune. The mad scientist sighed and sluggishly walked over to the phone, answering it ad putting it up to his ear. "What the hell do you want?" Verde asked in an annoyed tone.

"Shut up, bastardo. All the male students are in the T&I department cells, and Jyudaime is with Reborn-san. Are you joining us or not?" The equally irritated voice at the end of the line answered.

Verde's lips twitched upwards into a smirk. "My my, free test subjects? Can't say no to that now, can I?" He asked in a sickly sweet tone, one that would send shivers of fear and disgust down your spine as if a cold, slimy finger was slowly sliding down your vertebra.

"Whatever. Just get here fast before we start without you," he said, before hanging up as suggested by the beep which followed his last statement. Verde smirked pushing up his glasses once again before leaving the room in which he was in, abandoning the scattered notes and files with a blinking computer screen forgotten in his wake.


Perhaps Block A was not the most ideal place to wander to. Hibari Kyoya, the cloud guardian of Vongola Decimo, was one of the first people to wander into the torturous block of rooms when Mukuro and Verde were the ones to "interrogate" their prisoners.

The demon prefect must admit (although he did gain a sick satisfaction from the "interrogation") it was absolutely brutal. Making the captives live through their deepest, darkest nightmares for hours, slashing their skin and watching as the flesh peeled back.

Gazing at the flooding blood which poured out of their bodies, even going as far as burning their skin to get information! Obviously, Tsuna wasn't involved in any way and didn't know how far the so-called interrogations went.

All he knew of was that Mammon and Mukuro used their mist flames from time to time and that Verde was involved in one way or another. He knew nothing, which would perhaps be for the better as no doubt the Decimo would have something to say about their barbaric ways.

Yes, what Tsuna didn't know didn't hurt him. 

And what Tsuna didn't know, wouldn't be changed. Hibari even joined in, saying and quote: "If I get to bite weak herbivores to death, I'll join in". This may or may not be one of the biggest sentences Hibari has ever said in his entire seventeen-almost-eighteen years of existence.

Now, waiting just inside the confined hallway inside Block A were Hibari Kyoya, the cloud guardian, Rokudo Mukuro, the half-mist guardian, Gokudera Hayato, the storm guardian and Shamal. A sequence of footsteps broke the eerie silence.

The mad scientist and lightning arcobaleno, Verde, walked quickly down the hall to Block A with a make shift clipboard and a pen clenched firmly in his hand. "Took you long enough," Shamal commented, smirking at the arcobaleno. Verde just nodded and walked down the hall.

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