Chapter 31: The End?

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Chapter 31: The End?


Dalton's P.O.V.]

This is amazing! I never thought my life could turn out like this! After that week, Kat and I walked into school hand in hand. People looked at us really weirdly, and asking questions like Why would she date him? and THAT due? He's such a freak! Yes, I heard someone say that, but that's the truth in this school. It's because of the way I dress and because I wear eyeliner, but I like the way I look and Katherine likes the way I look so that's good enough for me. Katherine is the most popular girl in school, and I'm an outcast compared to all the other guys. She dresses in purples, blues, reds, and other bright colours while I wear black and leather. She wears dresses and heels and Me; jeans and top hats and converse. She's a princess, I'm a rocker. We are 2 completely different people, yet we work so well together. People have been telling me to dump her because I don't deserve her or that she'll dump me soon cause she'll find someone better than me, but honestly, I don't give a crap about what people think. She loves me and I love her and we couldn't be happier. We're at her house right now cuddling and just watching a rerun of Glee when she elbows my stomach gently.

"Hey! What was that for?" I ask, a smile on my face and a hint of a laugh in my voice.

"To get your attention." She states.

"Okay you have it, now what's up? Everything okay?" I ask.

"So, a girl came up to me today and had a very interesting question. I thought I'd run it by you to see what your answer is." She explains.

"Okay shoot." I say.

"Is Love Louder?" She asks.

"Louder than what?" I ask, looking at her big brown eyes.

"Louder than anything I guess. Those 3 words were all she said." She explains.

"Okay, then yes. To me, love is louder than anything. What did you say?" I ask her.

"I said yes as well." She says.

I smile. I quickly flip over so she's underneath me and I'm hovering above her. Then, the Glee cover of I Just Can't Stop Loving You by Michael Jackson starts playing. Ironic. I lean down slightly, my dogtag necklace coming in contact with her skin, sending a shiver through her body. I smile wide and kiss her. She responds by wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. This is perfect. I have the love of my life here in my arms, alive, and I couldn't be happier. Our kiss then turns into a huge make out session. But our little session is soon interrupted by my phone ringing. We pull away and I groan. I get off of her and sit on the couch. Kat sits up beside me and crosses her legs. I pull out my phone and slide across, answering it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"DALTON LOUIS RAPATTONI! Where are you!?" Jill screams though the phone.

"I'm at home." I lie. I can't tell her I'm at Katherine's or she'll make me end it with her. Usual management stuff.

"Did you forget that we had a studio session today!?" She asks, pissed off.

Studio session? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!?

"No I didn't forget cause no one told me." I state.

"I told Dana to tell you!" She says.

"Well he didn't so go yell at him, I'm innocent! blame him!" I laugh.

"Fine. Sorry for yelling. Get to the studio as fast as you can please." Jill says.

"Okay, see you in 5. Bye" I say then hang up.

I quickly text Dana 'PREPARE YOURSELF! You're in trouble!😝' Then out my phone away. I get off the couch and Katherine grabs my hand.

[Katherine's P.O.V.]

"Okay, see you in 5. Bye" He says then hung up.

I see him text someone quickly with a smile on his face. Who could it be? he gets up off the couch and I grab his hand. He looks back at me.

"Where are you going. And who was that on the phone?" I ask confused.

"Jill was on the phone. Apparently Dana forgot to tell me that we had a studio session today for IM5 so I texted Dana to beware of Jill's wrath and so I have to leave now or she'll get really angry with me an not Just Dana." He states.

He pulls at my arm and lifts me off of the couch. I lose my balance and fall forward. Dalton catches me but almost falls backwards himself. We both laugh and he helps me gain my balance again. He kisses my forehead and I pull him into a tight hug.

"Please don't leave me." I whisper in his ear.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He says back.

We stay like that for a few more seconds then he pulls away. We say out goodbyes and he walks to the front door. How did this happen anyways? We have hated each other since the beginning. Then he saved my life when I was in the verge of death. I still owe him my life for that. I believe we became closer to each other when we saved each others lives back in that old school. The memories still edged in my mind of all the blood and him slowly fading away in my arms. That day I will never forget. But it's crazy that we went from mortal enemies who could not even breathe the same air as each other to a couple that can't stay away from each other.

"Kat! There's a letter on the door for you!" I hear Dalton say, walking back into the house with a white envelope in his hand.

"Thanks." I say with a smile.

"I'll see you tonight with the guys. Love you." He says, kissing my cheek then walking towards the front door again.

"Love you too." I smile. He smiles back the walks through the door.

I look at the letter and play with it in my hands a little. My full name is written on the front of it in beautiful cursive letters. I turn it around and open the letter, taking out and unfolding the piece of paper inside it and start reading it.

Hello my love:

I'm not very good with words but here's a little poem for you,

Violets are blue,

Roses are red,

But you know what else is red?



I reread the note so many times that tears fall slowly from my eyes. This can't be happening! How can this be

He's still out there...

Josh is still out there...

And he's looking...

For me...

The End?

A/N: THERE YOU HAVE IT! The ending to 'Is Love Louder?' I really hope you all likes it. Thank you so much for voting and commenting! Thank you to my friend Jenna for helping me write this chapter plus many others! Love you! Please let me know these 4 things:

1: Favourite Character?

2: Favourite Part of the story

3: Sequel: Yea or Nah?

4: Is Love Louder than anything?

Please let me know in the comments. Feel free to explain your choices if you'd like. If you liked the book, mention it to your friends and maybe they'll love it as well and see if they want a sequel as well. Thank you for following me on this amazing journey and I will see you all in my other books! I love all my little angels!


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