Part 24:

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Ok these next two chapters are like the most angst filled chapters in this so just a warning. I doubt it will get any more angsty than this. Just remember this is only temporary and things will get better soon.



It was a Thursday night, little Rosie was tucked away fast asleep in bed while her two mommies...well they were in bed too but they definitely weren't sleeping.

Normani was on her back with Dinah on top of her, three fingers knuckle deep inside her wife.

Normani covered her mouth with her hand to muffle out the sound. Rosie was a light sleeper, they were hoping she would grow out of that and were waiting for the Jane genes to kick in. The one that would make her able to sleep through a hurricane and make her want to sleep in all day long. Well not so much that last part.

Dinah kept up her fast rhythm as she paid loving attention to Normani's chest in one specific spot actually. She hadn't left that spot alone for a while now and her thrusts were becoming a little slower and kind of intermediate, Normani was not happy about that.

"Babe? Why are you stopping?" She complained.

Dinah didn't answer she had now stopped all movement and brought her hands up to Normani's chest feeling around. Normani was a little confused and then a little concerned when she could hear her wife start mumbling.

"No, no, no, no please god no."

"Dinah?" Normani asked a little louder.

Dinah looked up with tears in her eyes.

"There's a lump." she all but choked out.

Dinah and Normani sat in the hospital waiting room neither of them had said a word since they dropped Rosie off at Lauren and Camila's, they had told them they had an appointment with one of Dinah's clients and they wanted to meet her wife.

Normani moved her hand over to Dinah's lap and linked her pinkie with her wife's. A little startled by the movement Dinah looked up at Normani sitting next to her. She tried to give her a comforting smile but she just couldn't.

"A Mrs. Normani Jane-Hamilton?" The doctor called out.

Dinah's breath hitched. Normani stood up and gently tugged on her wife's hand to get her to move. They slowly entered the room and took a seat.

"Hi I'm Doctor Strauss what can I do for you today." She asked.

"There's a lump." Was all Normani whispered out.

"A lump? Where abouts?" The doctor asked.

Normani told her where it was and then showed her, all the while Dinah kept a tight hold on her pinkie. She tried to listen to what the doctor was telling them but all Dinah could focus on were the words she never wanted to hear. Words like biopsy, tests... Cancer it was all too much for her.

That afternoon Normani had a biopsy and they were told they'd have to wait up to a week for the results.

The ride home was like the ride to the hospital a horrible silence filled the car with both women off in their own heads. They picked Rosie up and headed home. Normani took Rosie up to her room and didn't come back down. Dinah sat in the kitchen completely numb.

Normani didn't want anyone else to know. Not before they got the results back.

The day after the biopsy neither one of them talked about it. It was as if it didn't happen they just went about their day. Dinah went to work and Normani took Rosie to the park to feed the ducks.

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