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It was dark now. The incident that happened with Baja not too long ago.

Bow was furious, he had made it clear to me that she was never tied up after I left. He made sure that she could move around the camp freely and at night stayed in the stable behind his house like before. The three boys must have figured out when he-along with Raen-were on patrol and took their opportunity to have their fun. It made me sick but Bow promised me that he will deal with them. Informing their parents of their antics. Knowing a good punishment was needed.

I was at peace with this but I wouldn't forget what those boys had said. Is that why Baja wouldn't fight back? Because she thought I was dead? No, she would know if I was dead, the same way I would know if it was her.

Bow brought François and Corrin to a tent with two beds facing each other from different ends. Telling them that they both could stay there for the time being. Or in Bow's case, stay for the night and be on their merry ways in the morning once the pirate collected his reward.

As for Corrin, knowing that the elf cheated death once, Bow rather see him gone along with the pirate. He was only putting up with him because of me.

Malakei and I had followed them. Deciding to stay there also for the night much to Bow's protests for me to stay with him in his house, guilting me that Ana, his mother would be over the moon to see me again. I declined, promising that I would speak with her tomorrow. Maybe spend some time with her. I smiled at the thought of helping her with some choirs.

I shook my head at the idea. I wasn't back home to pretend like everything was fine again and that I was here to stay. I probably wasn't. I was most likely going to leave when François does to resume my search for Vixen. That being said if she doesn't show up here in the coming days.

François jumps onto one of the beds, already claiming it as his. He brings his arms up behind his head as he crosses his legs that still contain the black, muddy knee length boots.

"I can get used to this, a comfy bed, good food and I'm not talking about fish boys. The good stuff like chicken. Oh man, would I kill for some chicken right now."

François says, the happiest I have seen him in a while and I can't help but chuckle at that. Malakei only rolls his eyes and Corrin smiles in agreement.

"Me too." Corrin states as he rubs his stomach. "I haven't eaten at all today."

"You liar, you ate the last of the shrimp on the way here." Malakei notes with narrowed eyes at the elf, who's ears and face were turning red at the realisation that he was caught.

I chuckled at this, getting up from the floor where Malakei and I had made a makeshift bed of pillows and blankets. I lace up my boots, exchanging my criss-cross for a white long sleeved shirt that was way too big for me. Bow had given me one of his shirts when he noticed how bare and freezing I now was due to the shift in temperature.

After I did the buttons up, I tucked the bottom part of the shirt lazily into my trousers, the back out and covering my behind just about. I grab my dagger for safe measures.

Malakei eyes me with a raised brow but it's Corrin who asks me where I was going. I turned to him.

"For some fresh air." I state and quickly turn and duck out of the tent as Malakei sits up, calling after me about my bad leg. François also calls out but instead about bringing him back some chicken. I ignore the both of them with a shake of my head and walk carefully around the tents.

I only get a short distance when my ears pick up on hushed talking. I immediately stop in my tracks and begin to back away when I hear Bow talking in what I can only assume is a patient voice trying to calm the man down. It's not working and I make my way back to the tent, entering in haste as I begin to collect my things. I couldn't stay here. I was stupid to think everything would be fine.

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