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"It's cool to see you again, it's been some weeks since the last time" Liam said opening the door, seeming really happy about seeing us. "Nope, Berry stay inside" he said stopping the small kitten from sliding out of the door with his foot.

"Hey Berry" I cooed, picking him up and walking in while scratching its left ear.

"I should've known you only came here for the cat" Liam joked closing the door behind us.

"It was obvious" I replied sitting on the couch and putting him on my lap.

"Can I get you something? Tea, coffee? Something to eat?" Liam asked us, polite as ever.

"Tea would be nice" I replied glancing at Harry for confirmation, and he nodded as well.

"So how are you guys? It's been ages" Liam asked sitting on the opposite couch, and Harry tensed up next to me.

"We're good, and you?" I replied putting my hand on Harry's knee and patting it lightly to tranquillise him at the unexpected question.

"Great! I'm okay, I guess. Kind of hectic at the moment. With the divorce, work, Berry and all, it's not that easy. But I'll survive!" He said, "I'll be back in a second, just gonna make the tea." He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Thanks" I heard Harry whisper to me as soon as he left the room.

"For what?" I asked him while playing with Berry, that was still on my lap.

"For not telling him" he said, and I lifted my gaze up at his words.

"Why would I tell him? That's none of his business" I replied frowning.

"I don't know. I guess you could've, since you know, he's your friend and all, no secrets and all that."

"It's not my place to be telling people. I'd never."

"Thank you" he said, sitting a bit closer to me and petting Berry on the head. The cat started purring and moved from my lap to his. He smiled slightly and scratched it behind the ear, and Berry curled up on his legs.

A loud sound distracted me from the endearing view, and I glanced to the doorway. "I'm just gonna make sure everything's okay" I advised him before standing up and almost running to the kitchen. "What happened?" I asked Liam, that was kneeling down behind the counter.

"Some cups fell" he simply said, and I kneeled down next to him.

"I'm gonna help you. Did any break?"

"Surprisingly not. Here" he said handing me one, "Can you put it in the cupboard?"

I took it and walked to the sink, washing it before putting it in its place in the cupboard.

"Thanks" he said standing up, more cups in his hands. "How long have you and Harry known each other?"

I stopped washing one of the cups and I looked at him. "Why are you asking this?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, you seem cute. Besides, I think I might've let this slip from my attention a bit too much. You seem really close."

"Oh" I replied, "it should be around five months now."

"It's a very long time."

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